Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

268. Raj Jana: Finding Certainty In An Uncertain World



This episode is my January reflection, a practice that has changed its flavor over time. Instead of finding lessons to learn from my reflections, I'm discovering patterns; it's like I keep coming back to what has worked and keeps working, and I find myself doubling down on what is true. Perhaps these reflections are transitioning into affirmations. As usual, I'm joined by my dear friend Georgina El Morshdy to help me steer the conversation's flow and make sure you get the most out of it. In this reflection episode, we explore:The differences between being grounded and ungroundedWhy having hard conversations is a shortcut to creating changeThe spoken word is the most powerful wandHow to entice massive transformations through self-forgivenessHow to integrate the idea of several deaths in a lifetimeWhat are angry responses protecting us fromWhat kind of questions invite an environment of forgivenessA word that keeps coming when I think of 2023 is trust. You are exactly where you are supposed to be; tru