Milan Obsession

International Broken



Usually it seems like there isn’t as much going on during international breaks for Milan fans. But despite having fewer players called up than we have in a long time, there is actually a lot to talk about. And it’s not just Milan’s performances or even the players who were called up by their national teams. The Curva Sud are still demanding answers and there are changes being made in Serie A, too. And yet it still kind of feels like instead of a just an International break, things everywhere in Italy are just simply broken.  I was lucky enough to be joined once again by David, a rare Milan fan in England who actually has Milan season tickets and catches as many games as he can. You can follow him on Twitter @DavidLSwan (the L is for Legend) and also check out his site, which is a fantastic reference for the business side of Milan all translated for you into English. For this episode, we chatted about: • News of the Week: Menexes, Cesare Maldini speaks, 7th place, epic Twitter announce • Sea