Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Valentine's with CUPID!



In this special Valentine’s episode, we’re talking all things love welcoming the one and only CUPID himself! Celebrate this love-centered holiday and join the Aging GreatFULLy fun as Cupid answers some age-old questions – "What’s love got to do with it? DOES love really make the world go ‘round? IS all we really need is love?"Tune in to find out and discover the method to Cupid’s madness when it comes to matchmaking! You won’t believe some of the stories he has to share, including his first love match from way back when and some of his most creative and challenging couplings! It's a fun-filled hour to remind we’re never too old to enjoy our childlike imagination OR for love! Discover the history of Valentines and this bow-wielding cherub, how he brings people together, some of the obstacles when it comes to love and even his advice for those still waiting on their special someone. But most of all, Cupid shares what LOVE really is to him and how we each can celebrate the existing love we embody. I even ask Cu