Oath Of Nicole

Ep 10| Overcoming Insecurity & Fear



In today's episode, I talk about overcoming insecurity. I share a few lessons I learned in my journey, and we look to a few of God's servants in scripture who struggled with insecurity as well.   Blog postSometimes, God has not released specific blessings over your life because you don't believe you are worthy of His good gifts.Maybe you have felt the sting of rejection of someone, and the value they placed on you has caused you to devalue yourself. This is not of God!Satan will use our insecurity and make us place value in the lies he fed us over the years. Since the beginning of time, this has been his trick, and he knows that once you understand who you are in Christ, insecurity has to go. Are you always uncertain about yourself and constantly wrestling with anxiety? Do you lack confidence in the way you look or the gifts God has given you? Answering these questions is a good way to gauge where you are. You are worthy of what God has for you. Not because you are perfect but because God IS, a