Fcc Grayson

Radiance of His Glory



The battle for truth begins in our own heart. We can look at so many other sources that challenge Biblical truth. And, let’s be honest; that’s what they’re supposed to do and what they have always done. Ex: 1 Corinthians 2:14 A deeper, far more divisive reality is that outside sources are not nearly as large of a threat as the battle of flesh & Spirit that is waging in our own hearts. Ex: Jeremiah 17:9 If we are unwilling to allow our revelation of truth to be challenged in greater depth by his word, the source of all truth, then we will inevitably find ourselves sitting on the throne of our lives instead of him. When we set upon the throne of our lives , then we will manipulate, and recruit those to be around us, who agree with us, while working in this unity to push those do not agree with us away.