Mother The Mother

103 | Dying: Acceptance, Grief & Discussing Death with Children | Real Talk



In today’s Real Talk with McLean, she shines a light on the area society tends to shy away from the most - death. Like birth, it is a portal that all of humanity experiences and yet as a culture, we struggle with finding the right words to discuss this deep and mysterious part of our existence. As always, McLean has found the words to both comfort, explain the unexplainable and leave all who have had death touch their lives feel seen, heard, and supported. Whether you have carried the haunting questions that arise from someone you love committing suicide, experienced the drawn-out loss from chronic illness, or are in the impossible place of needing to explain death to your child, McLean has your back. In this episode of Mother the Mother: How to talk about death with our children Finding acceptance and beauty in the death dimension and transition of souls Support for those who have lost loved ones to suicide  Navigating life after experiencing the death dimension McLean’s Resources: Instagram: @motherthemothe