Neuroethics Police

Social Justice and Neuroethics: Looking back, moving forward



During Episode 6 of our special season highlighting last year’s International Neuroethics Society meeting, we focused on important take-home messages. Our guest host was Dr. Tim Brown, assistant professor in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Washington. Our speakers were Dr. Jasmine Kwasa, postdoc at Carnegie Mellon’s Neuroscience Institute; Juhi Farooqui, PhD student in neural computation at Carnegie Mellon University; Dr. Kate Webb, postdoc at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Erin Morrow, PhD student in cognitive psychology at UCLA; and Katherine Bassil,  founder and host of Neuroethics Today and PhD candidate in neuroscience at Maastricht University. Our speakers discussed several questions, including: What were your favorite moments of the meeting? Who should answer the meeting’s many calls-to-action? How can we make sure social justice becomes more than just an afterthought in neuroethics? A special thanks to Rudi Louis Taylor-Bragge - Iowendjeri Boonwurrung