Mason Vera Paine

Project Censored: How to Find the Underreported News



The best news stories of the year are often ones that no one knows about. And that’s where Project Censored comes in. Professor of History at Diablo Valley & Director of Project Censored, Mickey Huff joins me to discuss what Project Censored is, and how it works to bring attention to overlooked news stories. For more information about Project Censored visit: Projectcensored.orgFollow Project Censored on Twitter at: Project Censored on Facebook at: and Follow Project Censored on Instagram at: Mason Vera Paine and Mickey Huff Interview Transcription Mason Paine:  Professor of History at Diablo Valley and Director of Project Censored Mickey Huff joins me to discuss what Project Censored is and how it works to bring attention to overlook news stories. Thanks for joining me, Mickey. Mickey Huff: It'