The Chuck And Brad Podcast

#463 - Chris Graue, the Amazing Johnathan Documentary, and So-Bad-They're-Good Movies



We start out this week with a quick greeting, and then dive into a Skype interview with our pal Chris Graue. Chris has directed music videos and promo videos and any other needed video things for a huge number of punk and ska bands. We talk with him about his start and his involvement in the music scene. What a good dude! After that winds up, we are joined by another good dude - Ray Harrington! We discuss some comedy and improv news (Seinfeld! Oswalt! Middleditch/Schwartz!), then riff on the Doogie Howser, MD reboot on Disney Plus. We then discuss Ben Berman's Hulu documentary on The Amazing Johnathan. A fascinating film! After a quick toss to RI Food Fights' own Jim Nellis, we discuss some films I watched recently that weren't great. This leads me to ask the question "When does a movie go from bad to so-bad-it's-good?" A fun discussion follows! - Brad MP3 Download | FB Vid