Group Talk - Small Group Network

How To Have A Successful Retreat



Description:Steve Gladen, Global Small Groups Pastor at Saddleback Church, pulls from his 20+ years of small group ministry experience to encourage and equip listeners to lead healthier, growing and more effective small group ministries. In this episode, Steve talks about how to have a successful retreat for your small group ministry. Steve shares about the successful Saddleback church retreat that he and his team just concluded for their "Community Leaders" who serve to provide care for small group hosts. Steve will break down the following & more in this can't miss episode: How to have a successful rally  The ingredients of time  The  right time & place  The Ingredients needed for the program Recruitment  Shownotes: Steve's talk from the Saddleback CL retreat CL Retreat Photos and Notes Connections Team – A week from today we begin our annual CL Retreat. It’s a great opportunity to build your team and inspire them for 2023. Here is some important information so that you will help you get the most ou