Mike Safo

Mike Safo with John Miedrich, VP of Baseball Operations for Baseball United



Joined today by Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations for Baseball United, John Miedrich. John talks about growing up in Long Island, why he joined the NYPD, and what lifelong lessons he learned early on in his life patrolling the streets of East New York. We chat about his illustrious career climbing the ranks and serving as the commanding officer of the NYPD International Liaison Unit. John tells an incredible story of his team of international detectives who received information of the murder of an 8-month-old baby and located and arrested the perpetrator in Thailand in under 48 hours.  John talks about visiting the Dominican Republic and noticing the poverty amongst the young athletes there. He donated equipment and time which helped lead to his starting his own baseball academy down there. We then talk about BASEBALL UNITED, the first ever profession baseball league serving the Middle East and South Asia, attempting to bring America's pastime to over 2 billion new fans. We discuss how the dream