Business Conversations With Clive Enever

Villa Finder founder discusses how to bootstrap a company



Not every business is suited to bootstrapping, but for those that are it offers the potential to grow a resilient, profitable business that relies on customers to create success. In this podcast, Villa Finder founder Daniel Rouquette shares the story of how he created a hugely successful travel company from scratch using only the funds generated by the business. Daniel and I discuss: •What bootstrapping is and who it suits •The benefits of bootstrapping including business resilience and customer focus •The challenges of bootstrapping, and lessons Daniel has learned along the way At age 33, Daniel Rouquette is the Managing Director of Villa Finder. Established in 2012, Villa Finder is a 100 per cent bootstrapped company that has expanded 20 28 destinations with over 2000 villas in the portfolio in just 7.5 years. When he's not thinking about how to improve the business, you can find Daniel running marathons and participating in improv theater shows. Each week I'm joined by a new guest to dive into the