Business Conversations With Clive Enever

Creating a Winning Linkedin Profile



Creating a winning LinkedIn profile that projects the difference you deliver helps let others know about you. A stand-out profile also ensures collaborators see you as credible, and in being aware of your specialist knowledge and expertise, are more likely to refer business to you. If you want to be noticed, you have to know how to use LinkedIn as a personal branding tool. If you want to make money and funnel clients, you have to see LinkedIn as a database of people you can partner and grow with - of how reciprocity, authenticity and a willingness to help others will further your own professional goals." In the Business Conversation, LinkedIn trainer and profile writer Karen Tisdell and I discuss: •Creating a winning LinkedIn profile •Creating versus curating content - what to publish, why to publish. •Building relationships online An early-adopter of LinkedIn, Karen Tisdell recognised the platform's potential when working as a recruiter. Identifying a niche and foreseeing the importance of how profe