Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:215 Port Hedland GT Diving | Wally Galli



Interview with Wally Galli Today's interview is with Wally Galli! An ex-South African, owner of GT Diving and Marine living in Port Hedland, he tells us the stories about meeting future legends like Rob Allen, some memorable dive trips he done over the years like St. Lucia and a bit on his part of helping Robbie Peck when he got attacked by that Bull Shark. We also hear about some of the history of the NW Spearfishing Club, how he helps get new spearos started, spearfishing competitions and making diving and spearing his business. Wally is unable to hide the passion in his voice when he speaks about diving and spearing, if you're ever in the area make sure you pay him and his shop a visit! Important times: 00:13 Intro 06:35 Welcome Wally Galli! Where did you grow up? 08:10 St. Lucia spearfishing 09:50 Do you miss South Africa? Meeting Rob Allen 11:10 Rammed by a Great White 14:25 Tell us about your shop: GT Diving! 15:35 Helping Robbie Peck after he got attacked by a shark 18:15 The shark attack seems to hav