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The RPG Review Room: Night's Black Agents - Double Tap



This review was initially writen by Endzeitgeist. You can find lots more like this at endzeitgeist.com and gmsmagazine.com This review was initially writen by Endzeitgeist. You can find lots more like this at endzeitgeist.com and gmsmagazine.com With all the Conspiracies, the intrigue, the danger, it’s hard to know what exactly is and isn’t on your side. When every shadow from the back alleys of Bucharest to the back benches of the parliament could hide an inhuman enemy, it’s hard to tell what solid ground you can stand on. What can you depend on? Can you make a difference? Trust no one and nothing except the silver bullets in your Glock. To make a difference, aim true. Even then, sometimes that first shot isn’t a killer. Sometimes you need a double tap. Double Tap: The Night’s Black Agents Expansion Book includes: Sample clues, special spend benefits, and a model Tactical Fact-Finding Benefit for each Investigative ability, along with information, tips, and best practices from cloning a cell phone to hosting