Moneytalk With Melanie

Autry Pruitt to talk the new Trump Tax plan



July 21, 2017This morning joining us Political Advocate and nationally syndicated radio host, Autry Pruitt to talk the new Trump Tax plan.Spreaker: Media TV: Plains Pundit TV: http://www.highplainspundittv.comBIO: Autry J. Pruitt Autry J. Pruitt is a conservative political advocate who believes in limited government and free market Autry is a Black-American from the Mid-West who believes that the Democratic Party has sold out African-Americans. His political life is dedicated to fostering a relationship between traditional and non-traditional conservatives and to removing the Democratic Party’s stranglehold on the African-American vote. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Americans for Fair Taxation, and his articles have been published in Forbes, American Spectator, The Hill, Townhall, and Brietbart. Autry was the featured new-media broadcaster for two years at th