Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

In Times Like These



In times like these when nuclear warheads are being moved into position, when weapons manufacturers can't keep up with the demand, when the pundits are making everyone stupid and crazy, when it's hard to remember Assange's face but you can't turn on a screen without seeing Zelensky, when our culture is manufactured on conveyor belts in New York, Hollywood, Arlington and Langley, when everything's fake but the bombs and blockades, when it feels like we're rocketing toward armageddon next to Jeff Bezos in a space suit, when it feels like the angels have become smack addicts but have to settle for shitty Fentanyl fixes, when it feels like God got kicked out of the group home and has to sell his plasma and sperm for cash, when it feels like Heaven must be powered by smoggy nineteenth century London coal, when it feels like the angel and the demon on humanity's shoulders are double fucking our ear canals, when the bastards have sleeves full of bottomless aces while we're still trying to learn the rules, when annih