Fade To Gray

REPARATIVE THERAPY SERIES: Darren Calhoun (Gay, Christian, and Black)



Fade to Gray Podcast is pleased to announce a new series featuring stories of individuals who have undergone or been of part of reparative therapy (sexual orientation change efforts). In this series, the Fade to Gray team strives to listen, engage and understand the motives behind such efforts and the impact it has had (whether that be positive or negative). It's 2020 after all. It's time we asked the questions and allowed people to share their real experience. This stuff has had a real impact on people's lives and it's time we talked about it.  Let us introduce you to Darren Calhoun. Darren has been known to describe himself as gay, Black, and Christian. However, he is also a lot of other things such as a speaker, musician, photographer, writer, activist and conversation-starter. He grew up in Chicago and came out as gay at age 17. Not long after, he found himself surrounded by Christians who insisted that being gay wasn’t God’s plan for his life. He then spent the next eight years trying to