Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:214 Port Hedland Bullshark Attack Survival Story | Robbie Peck



Interview with Robbie Peck Today's interview is with Robbie Peck, survivor of a 3m Bull Shark attack off Port Hedland! On a day with a few unusual things lining up, Robbie was retrieving a fish off the bottom when he got smashed by a 3m Bull Shark! What followed was a harrowing story with some excellent dive buddies who undoubtedly saved Robbie's arm and life! We chat in detail about the attack, the swim back up to the surface, the boat ride back to port and doing it all with his 4 year old son there with him! Robbie's response and attitude after this is undoubtedly going to help save someone else's life somewhere down the road. We also chat about diving around Port Hedland and even talk about some recipes!  Here's a story that we can all take something out of! Where's your first aid kit?    Important times: 00:13 Intro 08:55 Welcome Robbie Peck, survivor of a 3m Bull Shark attack! 09:30 Tell us about Port Hedland 12:00 So you're a Kiwi? When did you move? 13:20 What was the experience of being attacked like