Moody Presents

2023-01-07 Christ Said I AM the True Vine Part 2



Welcome to our program called Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. The new year has begun and it is our hope and prayer that you’ll be able to concentrate on taking your next step with Jesus Christ no matter if you have been living out your faith for 50 years or 5 days!  It is always our “Resolution” to help you in studying God’s Word so we’d like to continue doing that today in a series that we’ve been in for quite some time.  Why so long?  Because the powerful words of Jesus Christ as SO important.  Our study is called Christ Said I AM.  Where we are investigating Jesus’ I AM statements that He made about himself in the pages of the book of John.  Today we head back to chapter 15 as we continue to understand what Jesus meant by calling Himself the “True Vine”.  Here’s Pastor Mark Jobe to help us…  See for privacy information.