Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0174 | Living Life by Design After COVID



Stop. Stop right now. Consider for a moment the opportunity that stands before each and every one of us.  Life is about to go back to “normal” after COVID. We’re about to go back to our jobs, begin shopping, interacting, and living in a way that is closer to the way we lived before COVID.   However, we’ve been through a formative experience, and if you’re like me, you’ve learned a few things over the past few months.  There are things you want to change.  Alignments to be made.  You’re ready to live the next chapter of your life by DESIGN, and not by DEFAULT.  Friends, the time is NOW to do just that, and this episode will help you do it.  This episode is the audio from a recent workshop we hosted for the members of our Starter Pack. Specifically, we walked through a 60-minute, hands on exercise to align the next chapter of your life with your unique values system.  Now this exercise is just scratching the surface of what Life Design can actually do, but it’ll get you a heck of a lot closer to an aligned life