Climbing The Ivy, A Chicago Cubs Podcast

Episode 34: Tightening race, increased heart pace -- Washed in Washington?



Stressed? Cannot blame you, the race for the NL Central crown is very tight here in September. With just a few weeks to go the Cubs are trying to fight off second-place Milwaukee, who will just not go away. A few weeks ago it looked like they were fading a bit, but a second push has kept them breathing down the Cubs necks. What does the conclusion of this race look like? We break it down. Also, there is a lot of controversy over how MLB has handled the situation with the Cubs in Washington DC. It is really wise of MLB to not grant the Cubs request to move the game date or location when there is a hurricane in the area? Does not seem like it. We discuss that ordeal on the episode. All of this and MUCH MORE on Climbing the Ivy!