Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 065: Part II with Robert Reddick, Co-Founder of GateStaff



LinkedIn member 1,434. It goes to show how Robert has been plugged into the startup scene for a long time.  Listening to and joining social networks.  He visits trade shows and finds value in the conversations that can develop in those discussions. He's failed in previous startups, he's worked side hustles while working with  companies.  Essentially, Robert has continued to build knowledge to be ready to build his next startup - Gatestaff. Yet, when a Venture Capitalist calls his baby ugly he listens and ultimately changes the direction of his company based on the feedback. Does that mean this startup is the success he is looking for?  It's hard to say.  He's watched and participated.  He's seen failure and watched success. But this team has a focus that seems real.  They have three people on the team right now yet Robert mentions 'culture' numerous times in our podcast.  Specifically, he says 'the culture of the company is product focused.'  Repeating they want to build great products.  Let's hope they ha