Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 075: Angel Rutledge, SignUp Genius



SignUp Genius was born out of the frustrations of a couple, Dan and Angel Rutledge, who were struggling with the same tasks we labor through every week as parents and volunteers – coordinating who does what and when.  It was born in 2008 – the worst economic period we’ve had in at least 30 years – in a growing southern city not known for its entrepreneurial grit, Charlotte. Dan had been recruited to Charlotte to work with an entrepreneur (Michael Vadini) to build an entertainment company and a website design/implementation company.  Angel is a former middle school English teacher and a mother of four who stepped in to help Dan in 2011. At that time, Dan just needed help with hiring and extra help on marketing.  A little more than a year later, SignUp Genius was growing by over 40% per week during October 2012. Coming out of that period of strong growth, they realized they had something important to the world and valuable as a company.  It wasn’t until 2016, however, when Dan and Angel, and Michael Vadini (