Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 076: Mac Lackey, VentureSouth Partner, Serial Entrepreneur and Investor



Mac Lackey is a Charlotte kid.  He grew up here, returned after playing soccer in college and professionally to start his career.  He started his first businesses and began raising his family here. Ultimately, he decided to return here after spending several years overseas. He’s returned to a startup ecosystem vastly different than the one he left.  And he is in the middle of it through his work mentoring companies, leading the VentureSouth efforts here in Charlotte and being an active speaker at startup and investor focused events. Listen to our podcast with Mac today as we explore his first startup in the late 90s and expand all the way through his latest venture with Kyck.  We dive deep into Internet Soccer (Mac’s 3rd) startup to explore how he was able to sell an internet company with little money left in the bank to a European company. Listen to which company Mac would like to have back and why.  And found out what some of Mac’s key guidance is to founders as they look to build their own startups here