Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 081: Sam Smith, Founder of Vishion and Collective Hustle



Today we share Sam Smith’s story.  Sam came to our first Charlotte Angel Connection event last February (where we first met) and has been back to each one since. She has a thirst to be part of and leading the Charlotte entrepreneurial scene.  It’s led her to start Vishion, Collective Hustle and put on the 1st Seed the South event in January 2019.  All three are great getting great traction and we're excited to see them grow and the impact they will have on Charlotte! Vishion is her startup. It’s the only mobile app that uses a product’s true color data, fashion trend and user preferences to help shoppers find the ideal color. The concept came to her after her own frustrating experience after falling in love with the blackspash in the bar at Kindred on a date night with her husband. Sam’s the type of person who once she latched onto her idea, she just never let go. Collective Hustle is a Charlotte investor and startup coalition looking to improve the Queen City’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.  She started it la