Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 084: Keith Luedeman, Founder of, Investor, and Executive Director of Innovate Charlotte



Keith Luedeman is the Executive Director for Innovate Charlotte and a name you’ve heard a lot of over the last 12 months (if not before as he also was the founder of When Keith and I sat down to this interview I told him I had a very simple concept for it. In our interview last spring, he indicated he wanted to take a year to get his feet wet before he committed to making investments or being overly active.  I wanted to cover what the past year has been like now that he has had his chance to get acclimated and also get a sense of where things are heading. The first part of this podcast focuses a lot on Innovate Charlotte and where it is today and turns to look toward the future.  The MIT Mentoring program was launched under Walt Frye and it is having great success.  They are working to match entrepreneurs with mentors to help launch startups.  As we hear, Innovate Charlotte is actively looking for mentors and founders and Keith does an excellent job talking about what they are looking for