Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 086: Mark McDowell, Investor and Entrepreneur and Greg Brown, Administrator of the Charlotte Angel Fund



Greg Brown is the President of Cardinal Finance, LLC, and Administrator at Charlotte Angel Fund.  Mark McDowell is a Partner at RealVentures, Co-Founder at Acta Wireless Capital and Chairman at LaunchLKN. LaunchLKN is a collaborative community of entrepreneurs, mentors, and community leaders dedicated to sharing knowledge and motivating growth in the Lake Norman/Davidson area startup community. Earlier this year, Greg Brown made the decision to host a second monthly meeting of Charlotte Angel Fund up in the Lake Norman area (at The Hurt Hub at Davidson).  This second monthly meeting (which will be the second Tuesday of every month) will host the same three entrepreneurs who will pitch to the Charlotte Angel Fund the following night (the traditional meeting for the Charlotte Angel Fund is the second Wednesday of every month at Packard Place). Mark McDowell and several other Lake Norman area members of the Charlotte Angel Fund were instrumental in getting Greg to take this step.  In today's podcast, we wanted