Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 092: Spiracle Media Co-Founders Jarod Latch and Tim Baier



  Today, we have Jarod Latch and Tim Baier joining us on the podcast.  Jarod and Tim are co-founders of Spiracle Media – a video content agency working with businesses to craft a better story to share. Jarod and Tim started Spiracle Media in 2011 while still working at different local news stations. They lived in a house together with a couple of other guys – Funday Monday was not a welcome addition to their neighborhood.  It took time living together but they finally came to a decision to start what is now Spiracle Media. Not surprisingly, the business started off with a different idea/concept.  It wasn’t until a surprise meeting with an existing client – listen for the story about a birthday cake– that the company turned into what it is today.  Tim and Jarod talk about several tough conversations they had to have as the conversation continued to grow. Tim also shares his first startup – a failure – and what it taught him. Jarod further expanded on the discussion as we learn his position was eliminated b