Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 093: Richard Maclean, Co-Founder of Frontier Capital



  Today, we have Richard Maclean joining us on the podcast.  Richard is a co-founder of Frontier Capital – a Charlotte area growth equity firm he co-founded in 1999 with Andrew Lindner. Richard has seen Frontier Capital grow quickly over the years.  Their second fund raised $115 million in 2007 and Fund V raised $700 million in 2017.  They have started the process of raising capital for Fund VI and it will be exciting to see where they finish given their strong team and track record. So where do you start with a co-founder of a growth equity firm whose seen success for many portfolio companies as well as his own firm?  We obviously start with the first check they ever wrote to a portfolio company.   From there we dive into a number of great discussions. Richard discusses Frontier’s original business plan in 1999 and how it has changed.  He speaks about the lessons learned from their first two investment funds and what it has been like seeing their subsequent funds grow into the company it is today. We di