Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 097: Dan Ariely, Author, Founder, Investor



Today we welcome Dan Ariely to the Charlotte Angel Connection.  Dan is the Principal for Advanced Hindsight and Founder of Startup Lab at Duke University.  He is also Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University (Fuqua School of Business, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Economics, School of Medicine).  Dan is also a Co-Founder, advisor and investor in numerous startups over the last decade.  Many of you have probably seen one of Dan’s TED Talks which are based on Predictably Irrational and some of his more recent books. I read Predictably Irrational in 2010 and became an instant fan of Dan’s works and continued to follow him over the year.  Having him on the podcast to talk about how his work is helping startups come through Startup Labs was a fantastic experience. As you’ll learn today, Dan studies how people act in the marketplace, as opposed to how they should or would if they were rational beings. The Center for Advanced Hindsight’s work is aimed at using behavioral insights to