Waking Up With Melissa Ruiz

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 71:47:54
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Dive deep into personal development, spirituality and how to grow your online business with Melissa Ruiz, spiritual & online business coach. She shares insight on to how to stay in alignment with your highest self while balancing your business.



    08/07/2022 Duración: 29min

    Welcome to a new collab episode, in which I’m joined by Lena Franklin, Modern Medicine Woman, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, and founder of The EAST Institute. We’ll be talking all about spiritual and multidimensional healing, ancient practices, and the power of the present time. What to watch for: -Moving through fears and traumas.  -Transforming beyond our wildest dreams.  -Noticing the limiting beliefs as they arise.  -Giving ourselves permission to start again.  -Honoring all the parts of ourselves. Words to live by: “You don’t realize how unhappy you are until you actually want to crawl out of an intense situation.” “When we get to a point where we are willing to do the work and we see all the parts of ourselves, anything becomes possible.” “At a certain point it’s not about bypassing, it’s really about alchemizing the limiting belief.”  “We can’t heal what we are not aware of.” IG Melissa Ruiz: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa IG Lena Franklin: @iamlenafranklin


    25/06/2022 Duración: 20min

    Welcome to a new solo episode where we’ll be getting into the topic of what a Spiritual Ego is and what this energy is inviting us to reflect on. Humans, this is going to be a juicy episode so stay all the way to the end. What to watch for: -Releasing the need to shame others who have a different perspective -Reminding ourselves we are always the student and there's always room to learn -Letting go of the parts of ourselves that had to die in order to become the versions we are today Words to live by: “When we get attached to our individual experience, that’s when we get caught up in the spiritual ego.” “The more we expand as a collective human race, the more consciousness expands, too.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    18/06/2022 Duración: 27min

    Welcome to a new solo episode where we’ll be alchemizing our money wounds, whether or not you are in business or not, this is going to apply to you. Right now in the entrepreneurial world, people are in fear because they are afraid that they are going to fall back into the structures that once caused a lot of pain, and it’s time we have a real talk about it. What to watch for: -Setting clear boundaries inside your business.  -Bringing in practices that are holistic and sustainable for you. -Alchemizing the corporate wounds within us. -Stepping into our bigness. Words to live by: “If you don’t want to create the same structures that have hurt and overworked you, then don’t.”“Don’t replicate the same thing by doing the exact same thing.” “Be happy for those that are also doing the thing that actually feels good.” “People will shame us and say, ‘why are you doing that?’ and I say: ‘why not?’” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    27/05/2022 Duración: 27min

    Welcome to a new solo episode where we’ll go back in time and get into business 101. We are a couple of weeks away from Melissa Ruiz Empowerment's third anniversary as a biz, so join our CEO while she remembers how this company was born. What to watch for: -Merging the human with the business.  -Focusing on just one offer. -Getting client feedback. -Tuning into what you need and being honest. Words to live by: “Birthing a new offer requires patience, energy and a willingness to see it through" “I do not buy into this belief that you have to start slow and cheap. Focus on only one offer and charge whatever you feel is alignment with you”. “Since I’ve started my business I’ve been relentlessly asking for feedback and, let me tell you, it really helped me to get out of my own way and focus on community.” “What got us this far, won't get us to the next level of growth, the goal is expansion" IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    20/05/2022 Duración: 24min

    Welcome to a new solo episode where we’ll talk about connecting with the present moment inside our business. If you’ve been wanting to be a more intuitive CEO, this is the episode for you. What to watch for: -Allowing ourselves space for things to come in.  -Honoring our intuition. -Recognizing that we need to let go of past realities.  -Unlocking our own magic. Words to live by: “Goal is not perfection, goal is to allow any message you receive in the moment to have your DNA.” “If you want to run your business more intuitively, it requires you to be fully invested in the now.” “Stop shaming yourself for not having a schedule. Connect with the parts of you that you want and don’t have a plan.” “Drop into the intuitive being that you are, so that your whole self can integrate.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    14/05/2022 Duración: 29min

    Welcome to a new solo episode where we’ll talk about setting boundaries in our business before it’s too late. If you are struggling with overworking and people pleasing inside your biz, then you can’t miss this episode. What to watch for: -Preventing mistakes by setting boundaries beforehand.  -Identifying your hours of operations. -Deciding what kind of business you are running.  -Learning to trust ourselves in our business. Words to live by: “Even if you don’t have clients yet, make sure you are setting these boundaries. It’s going to help you identify if someone is crossing them or not.” “Lack of boundaries translates into lack of self-trust and that will lead to you over-delivering.”  “Boundaries are going to anchor you in your business in a bigger way..” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    07/05/2022 Duración: 54min

    Welcome to a new collab episode, in which I’m joined by Vanessa Codorniu, a psychic medium, clinical hypnotherapist, astrologer, international intuition trainer, and soul business mentor. We’ll be talking all about being your authentic self in life & business. Words to live by: “In order for me to be who I am today, I had to heal present trauma, past lives, and ancestral patterns that kept me hidden.” “If you are expecting somebody to do something for you, what you are doing is replicating the system you grew up in.” “Anybody who steals anything from you won’t be able to continue to replicate it because they didn’t create it.” “We are on a journey going inward to the heart of the Universe so that ultimately we learn more about who we really are.” IG Melissa Ruiz: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa IG Vanessa Codorniu: @thebizbruja


    29/04/2022 Duración: 40min

    Welcome to a new collab episode, in which I’m joined by Erin Lyons, a cosmic teacher, master healer and 7-figure sacred CEO. We’ll be talking all about being a healer and a channel for the divine while running a business. What to watch for: -Letting go of limiting beliefs about our spirituality. -Tuning into energetic potential. -Embracing your vibrations and awakening process. -Feeling into the essence of the energy that we want to calibrate. Words to live by: “Everything is energy - sound, light, and matter are materializations of God Source Consciousness.” “We create our own reality with our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.” “Unconditional love and abundance are the only real eternal truths. Everything outside of that is an illusion.” “In experiencing the euphoric, orgasmic, and unconditional love of Source God, I knew it was a part of my soul's plan to return to the Earth plane as a beacon of light and guardian of truth.” IG Melissa Ruiz: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa IG Erin Lyons: @therealsacre


    16/04/2022 Duración: 30min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast episode! Today, we are chatting about growing our business simultaneously as we grow and expand the true Self. If you are struggling with giving yourself permission to be in transition while running your business, you don’t want to miss this episode. What to watch for: -Stepping into leadership. -Keeping your eyes on your own mat. -Being exactly where you are in the now moment.  -Activating the permission you need Words to live by: “Whatever you want to be, you have to see yourself already there.” “It’s hard for entrepreneurs at the beginning not because of lack of ideas or inspiration but because we are afraid to reveal the messy parts “The more I’m in business, the more I relax into it. It doesn’t have to be perfect, I just need to start and do what I can.” “As we journey down into our business, we realize it’s not easy and perfect. But we should never allow the fear to shut us down.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    08/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast episode! Today, we are chatting about money wounds, affirmations and our relationship with currency. Join us while Melissa opens up the episode with a mindful practice and guides us on a journey through healing our money wounds What to watch for: -Examining our relationship with money -Alchemizing the negative beliefs we have about money -Bringing in mindfulness to build a deeper relationship with currency Words to live by: ““Abundance is not dependent on the things you have but rather how you show up to life everyday” “Having less or more money doesn’t define whether or not I’m a good or bad person” “Attracting wealth will never take away from someone else’s opportunity to do the same” “When I except less I cut myself off from the abundant energy supply the Universe gives us” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa Analisi degli episodi


    01/04/2022 Duración: 23min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast episode! Today, we are chatting about discipline and leverage in your business. If you are struggling with bringing in structure to your business and your life, stay for the entirety of this episode where Melissa breaks down ways to do so without feeling overwhelmed. What to watch for: -Bringing SOPs to every part of the business.  -Building frameworks that feel good for you.  -Trademarking your products. -Outsourcing and hiring for the tasks you don’t have mastery over. Words to live by: “When we know more about where we stand in relationship to our goals, we have more leverage.” “If you don’t know what you want and you can’t get clear on your goal, you make it difficult for yourself.’” “A complicated system doesn’t make you a better entrepreneur, what makes you a better entrepreneur is the system that works for you.” “How you want to move in your life and business is up to you, there’s no right or wrong.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    25/03/2022 Duración: 24min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast episode! Today, we are chatting about balancing our business through the lense of the type of freedom that we are looking for. Join us while Melissa teaches us about the different kinds of freedoms our business can give us and the importance of being clear on which one you are looking to achieve. What to watch for: -Making sure that the human behind the business feels supported.  -Recognizing the kind of freedom this business gives me. -Setting boundaries in order to gain more balance. -Understanding that less is more. -Prioritizing the type of freedom that we really seek. Words to live by: “It’s very easy to work and overwork yourself, specially in business. You should know that even the things you love in your life need balance.” “Take a step back from all of the things that you are doing and ask, ‘does my business feel balanced?’” “This shift is about less bring more. While doing less, we get more narrow and focused into the things that we really want and this actually gi


    11/03/2022 Duración: 25min

    Welcome to a new solo episode where we are going to dive deep into how to bring harmony, balance, and safety into your business. Join us while Melissa guides us through the spiritual, mental, and physical body and how these things shape the reality we perceive. What to watch for: -Unfolding the business journey. -Creating safety within ourselves. -Knowing anywhere you land is where you are supposed to be.  -Learning to observe the thoughts without entangling them.  -Focusing on one thought and getting into alignment with that vibration. Words to live by: “We come with a lifetime of experience and memories from this life and past lives that shape our reality.” “We get to create and design our own life depending on the way we perceive our reality to be.” “When you look at difficulties with the eyes of opportunity, it open us to something bigger.” “If we don’t create safety within ourselves first, how are we going to create safety within our business?” “I trust my business because I’m in union with the


    04/03/2022 Duración: 32min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast where we’ll talk all about the power of manifestation and how it connects and reacts to our body, mind, and soul state of alignment. If you are struggling with not receiving what you are manifesting, stay for the entirety of this episode in which Melissa goes through all the things that may be blocking you. What to watch for: -Being in full total body alignment. -Embracing all emotions as they come in. -Coming into the realization that you are the ultimate creator. -Following our inner impulse, without cutting the energy supply. -Opening to receive the miracle. Words to live by: “Alignment comes when we feel the merge of what we want, what we desire and the spirit lifeforce universe energy.” “Working too hard and putting too much effort in one direction, doesn’t get you there faster.” “You are the ultimate creator of your life, your reality, and your worlds.” “When we are in the joy and in the creation of it, things just happen; but we have to learn to not add pressure.” “You hav


    25/02/2022 Duración: 32min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast where we’ll talk all about abundance, resistance, the law of attraction, and setting our mindset to reach the better thought. In this episode, Melissa teaches us how to tune into the frequency of abundance so that we can attract it effortlessly. What to watch for: -Examining our relationship with abundance. -Noticing what our emotions are telling us. -Staying in the energy of creation. -Focusing on the things that we really want. -Speak more of what we have instead of what we need. Words to live by: “Everything is a relationship and that relationship informs so much about our world.” “Resistance doesn’t mean anything bad. It means that we are in opposition to what we want.” “When we resist the natural flow, we slow the energy down.” “Resilience is having the ability to be in any situation and being able to not lose our peace.”  “Life is a blessing if you stop talking about the things you don't want and start affirming and praying over your life.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakin


    18/02/2022 Duración: 22min

    Welcome to a new solo episode! Today we’re talking about some of the things that come up as we grow and evolve. Join Melissa as she guides us through the three things we need to do in order to grow and activate permission, compassion and space for silence. What to watch for: -Not being afraid to evolve through entrepreneurship. -Giving ourselves permission to grow. -Taking time in silence so we can hear ourselves better. -Activating the compassion within our hearts. -Riding the wave of our emotions. Words to live by: “If you are a human being, you are supposed to change and grow.” “We are always leaning towards evolution, we are always growing no matter what.” “There’s no right or wrong way to do life. Life is unfolding and happening according to our thoughts in the present moment.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    11/02/2022 Duración: 42min

    Welcome to a new collab episode, in which I’m joined by Jessica Derose, a teacher, personal trainer, fitness coach, and multi 7-figure business mentor. We’ll be talking all about our entrepreneurial lives and sharing our own transformational journeys. Join us as we drop some gems about being an entrepreneur in the online space. What to watch for: -Ego deaths and navigating entrepreneurship. -Leaping into the unknown while being on the road for 14 months.  -Redefining what success and failure mean to us. -Knowing yourself and your core pillars. Words to live by: “I’m holding on to these versions of who I think I am, but what would happen if I let go?”  “The deeper we can go into ourselves, the deeper we get to know the Self.” “We are not afraid of rejection; we are scared of what rejection might mean about us.”  “Despite what you’ve gone through, you’ve always been okay – you are okay now, and you have to trust and know that you’ll always be okay.” IG Melissa Ruiz: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwit


    04/02/2022 Duración: 27min

    Welcome to a new solo episode! Today we’re talking about resistance and limiting beliefs. Join Melissa while she guides us through these key concepts of a limited mindset vs a quantum mindset. What to watch for: -Tuning into the energy of more than enough -How we can alchemize our limited mindset -They energy of not begging or chasing -Quantum mind vs. limited mind Words to live by: “A limited mind creates a limited life.” “When we have this limited version of who we think we are, that creates a limited form of reality for us.” “We can only manifest the things we think are possible for us.” “I haven’t seen anyone do this, but I know it’s possible.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    31/01/2022 Duración: 42min

    Welcome to a new collab episode, in which I’m joined by Katherine Searcy, M.Div, LICSW and Reiki Master who helps women alchemize their career fatigue and align their purpose with their passion. What to watch for: -Reclaiming & embodying our purpose. -Creating a safe space to shine. -Coming back to the core of who we are. -Being aware of the system that we are operating in. Expecting to fail and learning from that. Words to live by: “We are all here to connect with our inner sense of aliveness and to thrive as human beings and to live our lives within our Highest & Fullest selves.” “We are all here for a purpose. Our lives and our journey is all about finding that.” “Make sure you are sharing your vision with people you are energetically aligned with.” “Where’re the places that we are holding ourselves back and how can we be more innovative?” IG Melissa Ruiz: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa IG Katherine Searcy: @deepbreathhealing


    21/01/2022 Duración: 23min

    Welcome to a new solo episode, today we’ll talk about the fear and overwhelm that may be stopping you in your business and even in your life. Join Melissa while she teaches the key indicators that get us there and what can we do to prevent the fear and figure out what this is trying to tell us. What to watch for: -Befriending the overwhelm and understanding it as a sign. -Learning to make decisions by sitting with ourselves. -Recognizing where the fear is coming from and getting the information from there. -Future jumping and past thinking. -Trusting the process, surrendering to the higher beings and stop trying to control. Words to live by: “The number one thing that brings overwhelm is not making a decision. And deciding no to do something is a decision.” “Your thoughts don’t equal the truth. They are not absolute.” “The external world is reflecting what is happening on the inside: the struggle and the scarcity come from within.” “When we are thinking too much about the future, usually we are catastrophizin

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