Soul Sayers



The ultimate podcast for feminine healing and growth.


  • The Divine Power of Speech

    11/11/2020 Duración: 39min

    The power of language The power of words G‑d created the world with words. According to Kabbalah, words and letters are the actual building blocks—the raw material—of creation. Everything has a name in the Holy Tongue, and each letter of that name is a channel for a specific Divine energy. The energies of these letters and the way they are combined determine the particular unique characteristics of everything in existence. You have the power to create your reality. What you say to yourself matters. Your words to others matter. Diving into the power of the spoken word - every single letter! Connect with me on FB and IG Want to send me a message?

  • Seeing, Taking, Knowing

    04/11/2020 Duración: 34min

    We have the ability to choose. But how do we weigh out our options? We're talking about three keys in the book of Genesis that will give you a deeper understanding of why you're so conflicted sometimes, and how thinking differently can help us sort out which path to take. If you'd like to do a deeper dive into this series with friends, email me at to set up a Zoom call for your group. I love teaching this stuff!

  • Tune In Next Week

    28/10/2020 Duración: 01min

    Dang! This week's episode is delayed until next week! So sorry! Laptop issues, waiting for the repair. We've got lots to discuss though so tune in next week! Love ya'll!!Deanna

  • In The Battle

    21/10/2020 Duración: 37min

    A woman met a snake...And the rest is history. The story of origins gives this historical account, but there is much more to it. A deeper spiritual principle about the spoken word, the energy it carries, and how it affects our ability to choose. The battle waged that fateful day through external conversation between the woman and the serpent, became a battle fought through internal conversation between our minds and our hearts - our conscious and subconscious.Want to understand why you struggle with yourself so much? Listen in...If you've enjoyed our deep dives into scripture and want to be a part of a regular study group, JOIN HERE.Connect with me on FB and IG!

  • In The Garden

    14/10/2020 Duración: 35min

    Did you know the Bible is one of the juiciest books you'll ever read? Maybe your experience has been it's been used to tell you what wretched mess you are. But the scriptures are about the possibilities for your LIFE! How to live, how to grown, how to be better. The Bible is a LIFE book - everyday life, spiritual life, and yes, eternal life.  We've been spending some time figuring out why we have internal struggles, looking for the origins and this timeless book has some answers. And they're not what you may think. So grab a seat and a notebook and take a listen. We're picking up on last week's show and building a foundation for life. Not rules, not condemnation and fault finding - but life, love, purpose, and understanding. All are welcome! You do not have to practice any particular religion, in fact, this isn't about religion at all. Let's call it a search for Truth! Soul Sayers Website FB and IG Email me!

  • In The Beginning

    06/10/2020 Duración: 42min

    Doing a bit of a new thing right here. Delving into why we are the way we are and where does all the struggle come from? As a Coach, I've learned there are some things you can't set a SMART goal for - like emotional trauma.  But what if we could start at the beginning and figure it out, along with what to do about it? Interested? Listen in... Email me! Website: Soul Sayers

  • A Hopeful Future

    30/09/2020 Duración: 22min

    In these times, it’s easy to wonder if there is a Divine Guiding Principle in our lives. If God is aware of the goings-on. We’re in the midst of the swirling storm - trying hard to stay connected to ourselves. What’s my life need to be about right now? Where does it need to go? How are YOU feeling right now? We need a covering and protection, but boldness and openness too. Where can you find that? Let me tell you... Soul Sayers is a Spiritual Wellness and Life Coaching Practice, increasing your understanding of God's involvement in your life, and teaching you to live out your purpose. Please leave us a review and a like! And share, share, share! ❤️

  • Nowsight!

    23/09/2020 Duración: 28min

    Hindsight is 2020 they say. Well, 2020 will give us hindsight, foresight, and NOWSIGHT! What's happening in the world? What does it all mean? Are you seeing clearly?  The signs of the times are all around. It's important that you see them and understand what they mean. Using your past experiences for transformational change allows you to understand the significance of future events but also gives you insight into NOW.  You've got some important decisions to make. Moves to figure out. People to deal with. We're delving into past, future and the now. Listen in!   Thanks to everyone who has left a review or rating! If you haven't yet, please rate the show or give us 5 stars!  You know where to find me: Soul Sayers Take me up on a complimentary Discovery Call - 50 minutes of getting to the crux of what you want to do or change! 

  • Dive In - Becoming Engaged And Involved

    16/09/2020 Duración: 21min

    The conversation on Clarity continues with the necessity of shifting your perspective and reframing your thinking.  When we start any new quest, our ego will try to lead us down a pain-free path of least resistance, no struggle, and perceived safety. This can cause you to seek out quick answers and done for you services. Anything that will allow you to pass GO and get to the end. In doing that, you miss valuable lessons, abandon your intuition, and give up your right to learn and grow. I've got some insights for you!  Listen in...  

  • Ego - Friend Or Foe?

    09/09/2020 Duración: 22min

    You know things have to change for you. Circumstances, as they currently are, cannot continue and you just want to be happy. You've tried all the typical distractions: spending money, making money, booze, sex, people. But nothing feels right and it never will until you make the shifts you need. Your body is letting you know, your heart is crying out, your spirit is parched. You can't quite plug in your faith to light up your life, and nothing feels right. So you decide...take the leap, and commit to going for the changes you need to make. And the internal messages start rolling in...

  • Clarity...Is It Safe?

    02/09/2020 Duración: 25min

    Clarity - the power of being definite or certain. Also means quality of transparency or purity. We're always asking for clarity, aka, we want to know all the answers. But having the answers doesn't necessarily make you definite or certain. How many times have you gotten the answer and didn't like it so you chose to ignore it? Maybe it's more about hearing only what we want to hear.  Clarity doesn't have anything to do with having all the answers, it's everything about seeing clearly, having a deep understanding. Clarity elevates your thinking and creates options for many solutions. It also settles your soul, allowing you to be open to spiritual things. Oh, and the other thing is, we want this all like - yesterday!

  • No Spiritual Boundaries

    26/08/2020 Duración: 33min

    It's time to stop relying on religious leaders to determine your spiritual trajectory. You are able to connect with the One who created you without filters and intermediaries. You don't need others to tell you what to think or believe. Begin the journey of finding out what God has for YOU! Themes in this episode: Expand your thinking beyond the church Deeper revelation and understanding is available for you  No matter what has happened to you, God's love teaches you how to love yourself and offer yourself compassion and kindness.  Discover how you can dismantle negative beliefs about yourself, how to evaluate your self-talk and motivation, making the shifts necessary to change your life Ready to make some changes? Email me at Visit the Website Don't forget to share with your friends and follow us on IG!

  • What Is GEOTRAN? The Scoop With Donna Accardo of Inner Design

    19/08/2020 Duración: 01h39min

    Have you heard of GEOTRAN? I hadn't until recently. GEOTRAN is a numerical, digital, geometric language entered at specific points, called “spin points,” on and around the body. I'm spending time today with Donna Accardo, a GEOTRAN practitioner. She's giving us a crash course into this method of shifting and clearing energy to live more fully in choice and authenticity. Some snippets from the show: "Responding to life and situations from your authentic genetic blueprint - your divine blueprint." "Clears out the things that aren't you." "Soul agreements with family and friends." "GEOTRAN can clear the emotional charge that results in the need to put up emotional protection." "Now I'm in choice, I'm not choosing from that place in the past."  

  • The Ease Of Flow

    12/08/2020 Duración: 29min

    Flow - proceed or be produced smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly. Have you ever thought about how much time and effort you put into pushing things through? This urge to make things happen, the pressure of performing, the way you speak to yourself when you're not getting the results you want.  Consider that maybe, you can let your spirit guide you, that God will order the flow for everything that you need, and you don't have to fight to make progress.  It's hard to accept that we can live in a space of ease and effortlessness. All our lives we've been taught that to gain anything requires sacrifice. So we sacrifice our bodies and sleep. We sacrifice our families and time. We lay our deepest dreams and desires on the altar to move ahead in the world.  Is it possible you're being asked to sacrifice your will? This desire to run everything and control. What if you laid your distrust of an outcome that you don't orchestrate on the altar instead? Envision yourself trusting... Listen and get inspired to let so

  • My Time With Emily Silva Hockstra - Author, Holistic Career Coach

    29/07/2020 Duración: 40min

    Sometimes you meet someone who has this quality of inner knowing. I've found Emily Silva Hockstra to be that person.    Emily has done many things in her life, and I consider her to be fearless. She has allowed herself to take chances and trust her soul's leading.    So when I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with her, I thought a peek into our conversation would make a great show!   Emily has authored three books, "Sunrise Gratitude" is her latest and is available for pre-order. It will be released on September 8. You can find "Moonlight Gratitude" and "Find Your Glow Feed Your Soul" on Amazon.   Her mission? To help women "harness their bravery". Emily is doing exactly that! Enjoy!   Connect with Emily on IG @soulsadventures Visit me at Soul Sayers Connect with me on IG @soul_sayers  

  • The Perfection Track Pt. 5 - Spiritual Perfection

    22/07/2020 Duración: 23min

    Spiritual Perfectionism - the over-reliance on actions to feel spiritually justified and ok. Often combined with a hyper-focus on thoughts and feelings. Identifying them as bad thoughts, or "I shouldn't feel this way." Believing that negative thoughts and feelings make you a bad person.    Strong feelings that God won't love you or loves you but will punish you. Or feelings that the Universe or Source won't provide for you if you're out of alignment.   Many people spend a lifetime striving for spiritual perfection by doing all the right things, saying all the right words, and thinking all the right thoughts. Always denying themselves and restricting everything as if this is the way to connect with the Creator.   Your spiritual life, this journey you are on while not without challenges, should not be denial and suffering. If we are to have life and have it more abundantly, then God wants you to have experiences. You should have relationships, people in your life. There should be joy and discovery, learning, an

  • The Perfection Track Pt. 4 - Relationship Perfectionism

    15/07/2020 Duración: 21min

    Healthy relationship inventory: Trust Intimacy Honesty Acceptance Support Safe Space - no judgment Commitment Healthy relationships must start with two relatively self-aware individuals who have balanced views of themselves and are open to continued growth and learning. Perfectionism, however, kills intimacy. Perfectionist partners are not honest with themselves or with their partners. Trust is compromised, so is acceptance. None of this creates a safe, judgment-free zone, and not living up to perfectionist expectations will result in criticism or complaining. This episode talks about some key things to spot in your relationship, (or yourself if you're a struggling perfectionist), and what you can do to change these behaviors. Relationships have a significant impact on your quality of life. It's ok to decide you want more. If you are ready for some tools to help you break free, please sign up for my FREE 5-Day Challange Workshop on shifting your focus from perfectionism to life intentions, discovering your tr

  • The Perfection Track Pt. 3 - Performance Perfectionism

    08/07/2020 Duración: 31min

    Carrying the heavy burden to be "better" than everyone else. You want to be first, you want to be right, you want to be validated. Performance perfectionism is a primary source of stress and overwhelm, especially in the workplace. There are a few perceived advantages: you're more driven than the average person, more likely to come early or stay late, and your standards are high...very high. But research has shown that perfectionists are no more productive than their go with the flow counterparts. So what's up with this showing up in the world?  Get your episode and take a listen! As always, if you are desiring to move past patterns, thoughts, behaviors that are not serving you, I would love to coach you through! Visit the Soul Sayers Website and book a complimentary call to learn more. And hey! I'm hosting a FREE 5-Day Workshop in a few weeks based on The Perfection Track called "Blemished and Bad Ass". Yup! Completely free, and packed with legit information and deep dives into this issue. You will leave with

  • The Perfection Track Pt. 2 - External Perfectionism

    01/07/2020 Duración: 31min

    Many people probably don't understand the enormous amount of internal pressure and negative energy associated with perfectionism. This overwhelming need to present yourself to the world without one hair out of place. Behind the perfectly curated outfits and the pulled together persona - is an inner war. A battle between self-love and acceptance, validation, and importance.  Society's expectations of outward beauty can lay out a path for injections, fillers, surgeries, and modifications. Your unique blend of physical and spiritual qualities, what makes you attractive, sensual, gets caught in the crosshairs of sameness. Striving to look like all the ones who have received their stamp of approval from the masses and the men. Is there space to freely be your authentic self and still fabulously pulled together? Let's talk about it. Perfectionism is rooted in two things: fear and insecurity. Here's the thing, you do not have to serve these two masters. You can break the cycle. Tangible tools are offered in this epi

  • The Perfection Track Pt. 1 - Emotional Perfectionism

    24/06/2020 Duración: 23min

    Are you always striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high standards for yourself? Do you find that you're overly critical of yourself and your work or ideas - maybe worried about how other people view you as well? We're talking about perfectionism, the perfect assassin, and what it kills off in you. I see this all the time in my coaching and spiritual wellness. work and have struggled with it myself. Women, in particular, suffer from The Perfection Track more than any other group. Well, it's time to get well. It's time to be free.  If you want one-on-one help with this issue, schedule a call with me HERE. You can always email me at Visit us on the web! Soul Sayers Connect with us on FB and IG

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