The Sharon Salzberg Metta Hour features Buddhist philosophy in a practical, common sense vernacular. Sharons natural wisdom, sense of humor and the ease with which she translates these teachings forge an intimate connection with the listener. From everyday experiences to pithy revelations, each podcast is a journey on the path of self-discovery.
Ep. 239 – Duncan Trussell and Raghu Markus
06/05/2024 Duración: 01h11minFor episode 239, Sharon chats with friends Duncan Trussell and Raghu Markus about their new audiobook Moving from the Movie of Me to the Movie of We.Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian, podcaster, writer, and actor. He is most known for his podcast The Duncan Trussell Family Hour. He produced and starred on the Netflix series The Midnight Gospel. Raghu Markus spent two years in India with Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass. He has been involved in music and transformational media since the early 1970s. Currently, he is the Executive Director of the Love Serve Remember Foundation and hosts the Mindrolling Podcast on the Be Here Now Network.In this episode, Sharon, Duncan and Raghu discuss:How the new book came to beThe healing is in the returnSelf pre-occupation versus self-loveThe guru in Duncan’s kidsRaghu’s parents meeting Neem Karoli BabaHow Duncan first met Ram DassRaghu and Duncan’s first hangFinding the mother archetypeWanting Jesus “with skin on”Ram Dass the therapistHow to cultivate unconditionalityGett
Ep. 238 – Lovingkindness Audiobook Excerpt
22/04/2024 Duración: 34minFor episode 238 of the Metta Hour Podcast, we are releasing a special extended excerpt of the brand new Lovingkindness Audiobook, set for release by Shambhala on April 23rd, 2024.This thirty-minute excerpt includes the forward of the book, written and read by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the introduction of the book, read by Sharon and a portion of the first chapter, The Revolutionary Art of Happiness. Lovingkindess was Sharon’s first book, originally released in 1995 in hardcover format. It is now available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats. To learn more about the book or get a copy, click here.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Ep. 237 – Fireside Chat with Jack Kornfield
10/04/2024 Duración: 01h33minFor episode 237, we are launching the Fireside Chat Series on the Metta Hour.This series features intimate conversations with longtime dharma teachers about the early days of their practice and the most impactful moments with their own teachers. Hosted by IMS Online, the launch of this monthly series is a conversation between Sharon and Jack Kornfield. Jack trained as a Buddhist monk in the monasteries of Thailand, India and Burma. He has taught meditation internationally since 1974 and is one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West. The conversation begins with a 10-minute guided meditation from Jack.In this episode, Sharon and Jack discuss:Jack’s experience with Thai Buddhist monk Ajahn ChahThe Buddha statue debate from the early days on IMSJack’s first book “Living Dharma”Ajahn Chah’s teaching about the original mindRealizing innate qualities versus developing themThe sign above the door at IMSWhat languages Sharon and Jack learned in AsiaSharon’s relationship w
Ep. 236 – Sameet Kumar
26/03/2024 Duración: 01h05minFor episode 236, Sharon is in conversation with Sameet Kumar, Ph.D. Sameet is the clinical psychologist for the Memorial Cancer Institute.Sameet specializes in working with cancer patients and their caregivers. He is the author of Grieving Mindfully, The Mindful Path Through Worry and Rumination. He is part of a new anthology, coming out in May of 2024 from New Harbinger Publications, How to Grieve What We’ve Lost.In this episode, Sharon and Sameet discuss:How Sameet came to grief counselingAmerican culture’s denial of the first noble truthThe human experience of pain/pleasureGrief is whatever it is to youThe non-existent timeline for griefWidening the scope of what losses affect usThe tools of ACT, CBT and Mindfulness for griefSameet’s new anthology bookDampening the grief stress response Sameet’s support of COVID front-line workersWorking with add-ons The role of Ram Dass in Sameet’s lifeSameet closes the conversation with a guided meditation on the refuge tree. You can learn more about
Ep. 235 – Suneel Gupta
11/03/2024 Duración: 01h01minFor episode 235, Sharon speaks with Suneel Gupta.Suneel is a bestselling author, renowned speaker, Harvard Medical School visiting scholar, and host of a global documentary series. He studies leaders around the world to discover and share simple, actionable habits that lift our performance, deepen our state of well-being, and guide us further into our dharma. His latest book, “Everyday Dharma: Eight Essential Practices for Finding Success and Joy in Everything You Do” was released in the Fall of 2023 from Harper Collins.In this episode, Suneel and Sharon discuss:Suneel’s definition of dharmaHow we express our core truth Dr King’s Street Sweeper storySuneel’s life path with failureThe wisdom of Suneel’s GrandfatherSuneel’s journey of identity as a brown-skinned manWriting as a therapeutic formArrival fallacy Eight pillars of Suneel’s book Everyday DharmaThe path is cyclical, not linearDharma as the bedrock on your lifeHow Suneel defines success Asking what makes you
Ep. 234 – Dan Harris
26/02/2024 Duración: 01h14minFor episode 234, Sharon speaks with author and podcast host, Dan Harris.Dan is the author of the #1 New York Times best-selling memoir, 10% Happier, about a fidgety, skeptical news anchor who finds meditation. He’s also the host of the Ten Percent Happier podcast and the co-founder of the Ten Percent Happier meditation app. For 21 years, he worked at ABC News, where he anchored such shows as Nightline and the weekend editions of Good Morning America.In this episode, Dan and Sharon discuss:The new edition of Ten Percent HappierWhat has changed in the meditation space in the last decadeThe line between cynicism to skepticism The climate of despair and nihilismWorking with the inner criticDan’s drug-fueled panic attack on-airBig life changes are not often a straight shotDan’s path finding meditationThe Jew-Bu movement towards AsiaThe connection of Dan’s father and Joseph Goldstein’s familyDan meeting Mark EpsteinThe first time Sharon saw BirkenstocksDan’s first meditation retreatHow lovi
Dr. Jenny Taitz
13/02/2024 Duración: 52minFor episode 233, Dr. Jenny Taitz returns to the Metta Hour. Jenny is a clinical psychologist and an assistant clinical professor in psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.Jenny completed her fellowship in psychology at Yale University School of Medicine and achieved board certifications in cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. In addition to treating clients in her private therapy practice, LA CBT DBT, she is the author of How to Be Single and Happy and End Emotional Eating. Her new book, Stress Resets: How to Soothe Your Body and Mind in Minutes, is now available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats.In this episode, Sharon and Jenny discuss:Jenny’s new book, Stress ResetsAcute versus chronic stressLearning how to put stress downThe distinction between stress and traumaHow stress affects the bodyPreventing a stress snowballCultivating agency in dealing with stressThe role of acceptance in stressWorking with causes and conditionsStress resets versus stress b
Ep. 232 – Cecilia B. Loving
29/01/2024 Duración: 58minFor episode 232, Cecilia B. Loving returns to the Metta Hour. Cecilia is an award-winning speaker, belonging and inclusion thought leader, consultant and author, who serves as the Senior Vice President Head of DEI for PBS.Her work in restorative justice, storytelling, inclusive leadership, racial inclusion, mindfulness, and well-being helps redefine the importance of self-care and self-empowerment to create a positive and holistic environment for everyone. This is Cecilia’s second appearance on the Metta Hour. Her first appearance was in 2022 with Episode 192, which you can hear right here.In this episode, Sharon and Cecilia discuss:Cecilia’s new book, Connecting Through CirclesThe concept of "connecting through circles"How circles differ from other conversationThe necessity of belongingThe science that backs social bondingThe Ministry of ForgivenessDesmond Tutu’s personal styleEmpathy as a path to transformationMoving beyond “Us” versus “them” mentalityCecilia’s approach to DEI at PBSThe ripple aff
Ep. 231 – Sharon Salzberg’s Meditative Story hosted by Rohan Gunatillake
15/01/2024 Duración: 37minFor episode 231 of the Metta Hour, Sharon Salzberg shares the journey of her spiritual life with the host of Meditative Story, Rohan Gunatillake.This episode was originally aired on Meditative Story, a podcast that combines the emotional pull of first-person storytelling with the immediate, science-backed benefits of mindfulness practice – all surrounded by breathtaking and cinematic music. You can find Meditative Story on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more!Rohan Gunatillake is a writer, entrepreneur, and host of the podcast Meditative Story. By artfully crafting meditations to compliment each guest’s story, Rohan blends mindfulness with narrative to create a unique listening experience, encouraging listeners to use someone else’s transformative moment as the basis for their own. He’s also the founder of the best-selling app Buddhify, and author of Modern Mindfulness: How to Be More Relaxed, Focused, and Kind While Living in a Fast, Digital, Always-On World.In this immersive
Ep. 230 – Roshi Joan Halifax
02/01/2024 Duración: 58minFor episode 230 of the Metta Hour, Sharon sits down with her longtime friend, teacher and author, Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D.Roshi is a Buddhist teacher, the founder and head teacher of the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, NM, a social activist, author, and in her early years was an anthropologist. She is also a pioneer in the field of end-of-life care. Some of her books include: The Human Encounter with Death (with Stanislav Grof) and her most recent, Standing at the Edge: Finding Freedom Where Fear and Courage Meet, and the 2023 card deck from Shambala Publications, In a Moment, In a Breath.In this episode, Sharon and Roshi discuss:The impetus for Roshi’s new card deckHow Roshi came to contemplative practiceThe impact of COVID on inner lifeDeconstructing being a beginnerHow the elements correlate to Roshi’s card deckGrounding into the bodyThe nuanced work of caregiversThe Brahma ViharasEquanimity as a form of inclusivenessUsing ideology to avoid feelingStrong back, soft frontNo
Ep. 229 – Jerry Colonna
11/12/2023 Duración: 01h02minFor episode 229 of the Metta Hour, Sharon sits down with teacher, author, and CEO whisperer Jerry Colonna for his second appearance on the podcast to talk about his new book, Reunion: Leadership and the Longing to Belong.Jerry is the CEO and co-founder of the executive coaching firm A highly sought-after coach and speaker, he is also the author of Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up. For more than 20 years, he has used his experiences as a CEO, investor, journalist, college professor, and coach to help people lead with humanity, resilience, and equanimity. Please be aware this episode contains mention of sexual assault. In this episode, Sharon and Jerry discuss:Being a first responder to sufferingBeing content in the face of sufferingHow Jerry came to belonging as a book topicBelonging as being at home in one’s existenceBeing included, accepted, and celebratedHow to cultivate belonging as a skillA new definition of leadershipHow hungry ghosts affect leaders and communit
Ep. 228 – Mental Health Series with Richie Davidson, PhD
21/11/2023 Duración: 01h03minFor episode 228 of the Metta Hour, we are continuing our Mental Health Series. In this series, Sharon sits down with different teachers, experts, and health advocates to explore and destigmatize mental health by applying the tools of Buddhist wisdom and spiritual practice.For this sixth episode of the series, Sharon speaks with Dr. Richie J. Davidson, PhD. Richie is the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the Founder and Director of the Center for Healthy Minds. He is best known for his groundbreaking work studying emotion and the brain. A friend and confidante of the Dalai Lama, he is a highly sought after expert and speaker, leading conversations on well-being on international stages such as the World Economic Forum, where he serves on the Global Council on Mental Health.In this episode, Sharon and Richie discuss:How Richie came to this pathMeeting Daniel Goleman and Ram DassHow Danny Goleman brought Sharon to her first retreatThe term “M
Ep. 227 – Mental Health Series with Joe Loizzo
06/11/2023 Duración: 01h12minFor episode 227 of the Metta Hour, we are continuing our Mental Health Series. In this series, Sharon sits down with different teachers, experts, and health advocates to explore and destigmatize mental health by applying the tools of Buddhist wisdom and spiritual practice.For this fifth episode of the series, Sharon speaks with psychiatrist, clinical researcher, and meditation scholar-teacher, Joe Loizzo, MD, PhD. Joe is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and Columbia-trained Buddhist scholar with over forty years’ experience studying the beneficial effects of contemplative practices on healing, learning and development. He is an Assistant professor at Weill-Cornell Medical College, the founder of the educational non-profit Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science, and author of several books.Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: this episode, Sharon and Joe discuss:The conflict in the Mid
Ep. 226 – Dan Harris, Finding Your Way
23/10/2023 Duración: 51minFor episode 226 of the Metta Hour, we’re bringing you an episode from the Ten Percent Happier Podcast in which Dan Harris interviews Sharon about her brand new book, “Finding Your Way.”You can get a copy of “Finding Your Way” in hardcover or ebook formats at our website. Dan Harris is a former ABC News anchor who, after reporting all over the world, experienced an on-air panic attack while hosting Good Morning America. Despite initial misgivings, he turned to meditation and changed his life for the better. He is the author of the book “10% Happier,” a #1 New York Times bestseller, and the Ten Percent Happier podcast host.In this conversation, Sharon and Dan discuss:• The impetus for Sharon’s new book• What Sharon means by “an authentic life”• Learning to be your own BFF• How the notion of self-love squares with the Buddhist notion of emptiness• Why it can be harder to receive love and help than to give itTo hear more episode of the Ten Percent Happier Podcast or App, visit their
Ep. 225 – Katherine May
09/10/2023 Duración: 57minFor episode 225 of the Metta Hour, Sharon welcomes New York Times bestselling author Katherine May.Click here to learn more about Sharon’s new book, Finding Your Way, available Oct 10th!Katherine May is an internationally bestselling author and podcaster. Her most recent book, “Enchantment: Awakening Awe in an Anxious Age” was an instant New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller. Her internationally bestselling hybrid memoir “Wintering” was adapted as BBC Radio 4’s Book of the Week. Katherine’s podcast, How We Live Now, ranks in the top 1% worldwide, and she has been a guest presenter for On Being’s The Future of Hope series. Katherine lives with her husband, son, two cats, and a dog. She loves walking, sea-swimming, and pickling slightly unappealing things.Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: this conversation, Sharon and Katherine discuss:Coming into cont
Ep. 224 – Susan Bauer-Wu
27/09/2023 Duración: 54minFor episode 224 of the Metta Hour, Sharon sits down with Susan Bauer-Wu to talk about her new book, A Future We Can Love: How We Can Reverse the Climate Crisis with the Power of Our Hearts & Minds.Susan is an organizational leader, clinical scientist, and mindfulness teacher whose lifework has been dedicated to alleviating suffering and fostering well-being through contemplative wisdom. Susan is the president of the Mind & Life Institute and deeply committed to the care of our planet and to policies and personal actions that will ensure a future we can love for our children and grandchildren.In this conversation, Sharon and Susan discuss:Susan’s early career in HealthcareAuthentic Presence & Compassion How Susan connected to climate workInterconnection means we’re the problem & solutionThe genesis for Susan’s book, A Future We Can LoveThe meeting of H.H. the Dalai Lama and Great ThunbergThe Dalai Lama’s history as a climate activistHow writing the book affected S
Ep. 223 – Mental Health Series with Dr. Sará King
11/09/2023 Duración: 01h24minFor episode 223 of the Metta Hour, we are continuing our Mental Health Series.In this series, Sharon sits down with different teachers, experts, and health advocates to explore and destigmatize mental health by applying the tools of Buddhist wisdom and spiritual practice. For this fourth episode of the series, Sharon speaks with neuroscientist, artist, and activist Dr. Sará King.Sará is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Public Health at the T. Denny Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion in Human Health and Social Justice at UCSD. She is also the co-director of Mobius, a home for the development of Liberatory Technology, and the founder of MindHeart Collective. In 2022, she was also named one of the “10 Most Powerful Women in Mindfulness” by Mindful Magazine.Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: this conversation, Sharon and Sará discuss:• Sará’s personal history that shaped her p
Ep. 222 – Real Life Series with Andrés Gonzalez, Ali and Atman Smith
28/08/2023 Duración: 48minFor episode 222 of the Metta Hour Podcast, we are closing out the Real Life Series to celebrate Sharon’s new book by the same name, “Real Life.”This interview features a conversation between Sharon and Andrés Gonzalez, Ali, and Atman Smith, recorded for the Living An Authentic Life Summit.Andy, Ali, and Atman co-founded the Holistic Life Foundation, a non-profit organization bringing yoga, meditation, and breath-work to thousands of at-risk kids in Baltimore schools since 2001. Their work has received wide national attention due to their remarkable results in public schools where suspension rates plummet and graduation rates skyrocket. Outside of the Holistic Life Foundation, Ali, Atman, and Andy also teach to diverse populations worldwide, including drug treatment centers, mental crisis facilities, homeless shelters, and Yoga, Wellness, and Mindfulness Festivals. Their first book, “Let Your Light Shine” was published in 2022 by Penguin Random House.To learn more about Andy, Ali, and Atman’s work, you ca
Ep. 221 – Real Life Series with Daisy Hernández
14/08/2023 Duración: 01h01minFor episode 221 of the Metta Hour Podcast, we are continuing the Real Life Series in celebration of Sharon’s new book by the same name, “Real Life.” In this conversation, Sharon and Daisy Hernández speak about the emergence of equanimity on the spiritual path and the dawning of clarity.This interview features a conversation between Sharon and Daisy Hernández, recorded for the Living An Authentic Life Summit.Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: Hernández is a Journalist, Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Northwestern University and the author of The Kissing Bug, which won the PEN/Jean Stein Book Award and was selected as an inaugural title for the National Book Foundation’s Science + Literature Program. Her memoir A Cup of Water Under My Bed won the IPPY Award for best coming-of-age memoir and Lambda Literary’s Dr. Betty Berzon Emerging Writer Award.To lear
Ep. 220 – Real Life Series with Mark Epstein
02/08/2023 Duración: 58minFor episode 220 of the Metta Hour Podcast, we are continuing the Real Life Series celebrating Sharon’s new book by the same name, “Real Life.”This interview features a conversation between Sharon and Mark Epstein, recorded for the Living An Authentic Life Summit.Real Life, the book that inspired this series, is now available from Flatiron Books in hardcover, ebook, and audiobook formats. To learn more about the book or get a copy, you can visit Sharon’s website here.Mark Epstein is a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City and the author of a number of books about the interface of Buddhism and psychotherapy, including Thoughts without a Thinker, Going to Pieces without Falling Apart, Going on Being, and his newest work The Trauma of Everyday Life. He received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Harvard University and is currently Clinical Assistant Professor in the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis at New York University.To learn more about Mark’s work, y