Satsang With Mooji



Podcast by Mooji


  • Podcast: Now Is The Perfect Time To Meet God

    05/12/2018 Duración: 20min

    "Now is the perfect time to meet God. It doesn’t take time to meet that which you can never separate from – Your own Self." In this talk Mooji invites you into a powerful investigation of Truth. Instead of getting pulled into tendencies of identifying with the egoic mind, inquire into your thoughts and habits. Change focus and perceive from a truer space – from and as consciousness. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • The Living Sadhana

    05/12/2018 Duración: 27min

    "Nothing stops you from finding the Truth. But if you think it does, it will feel like it. Don’t waste too much time cleaning your little issues and problems, focus on the Self. Stay as the Self and if the Self wishes to clean the dynamic expression, it will do it, you don’t have to worry for that." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in Rishikesh

  • Don't Be Complacent

    05/12/2018 Duración: 09min

    "Don’t miss your chance for freedom. Don’t be complacent. There has to be some vigilance not to buy into the distractions of the mind." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • The Timeless Source

    05/12/2018 Duración: 11min

    In this talk Mooji guides us, as always, in the most direct way to the final recognition of our true nature. Once one realizes in the heart that 'I am not the one looking towards the source, but I am the one looking at the sense of myself searching for the source', the journey is over. The seeker is born, and it is in time, but its source is not born. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • Don't Close Your Mind

    05/12/2018 Duración: 01h29min

    "To know anything apart from your self is a limitation. You venerate objective knowledge; know so many things about so many subjects. But do you know the knower? Who is the knower of these things? When you are empty, you can be nothing, and when you are nothing you begin to taste the immensity of the divine. What is this life for? What is this body for? The highest purpose of this life is to taste, to meet and to be the immensity of the divine. That's what this life is for." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • You Can Only BE Truth

    05/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    "You have to appreciate and embrace and swallow these instructions so they become you. Don't keep it in the head only and say: 'Yes I agree'. You cannot agree with Truth, you cannot even believe in Truth, you can only Be Truth." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Nobody Can Disappoint God

    05/12/2018 Duración: 22min

    In this talk Mooji shares his views about commitment in intimate relationships, faithfulness and love. "Is it possible to keep your word? How can anyone make the promise, 'I will love you forever?' At the most it can be a declaration of the love that you feel right now. Many people don't have the spiritual maturity to be in one relationship forever. There is not a set standard for how a relationship should be; some relationships have a very deep potency — there is a depth of experience and a deep connection, but the time spent together (physically) is short." And what about faithfulness and vows made in front of God? Mooji says that nobody can disappoint God or make God angry. To be faithful is first of all to be faithful to your heart and to honour your own Self. A being that is not immersed in his own heart cannot really be relied upon. In fact, usually we are relying on others based upon our own projections of what we want from them. Better to let each other be free and have trust than to make too many

  • You Are The Awareness, Don't Overlook This!

    05/12/2018 Duración: 17min

    "To the witness of the thing that is playing, we pay no attention. We have a strong desire to have some particular outcome happen, like these feelings should stop, they should become beautiful, I should be happy again, etc. No one introduces you to these things; it is not felt to be important even. If you look in the direction of the events that are happening, then you'll panic. Be the witness; when this is heard, immediately your inner climate changes. If you go again to the mind, the vibrations are strong. Be the witness of it. Immediately, there are results. Right in the eye of the storm of your experience, you begin to discover the still witness of it. You are the awareness, don’t overlook this!" A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • Giggle Of The Universe

    05/12/2018 Duración: 21min

    "We are infinitely broader than all answers can be, but the minute you hold on to something, you start to protect it. Therefore when I say: You have to be the cow that jumped over the moon, you have to jump over the mind. The whole human thing does not work – it has never worked. It only works when it connects up with the God power, with the heart – then it becomes something beautiful. Otherwise we are like an unstruck match. Sitting in a box in a damp house. But once lit, once struck, it can burn a whole forest." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • Get Off That Horse

    05/12/2018 Duración: 32min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal The cultural conditioning can be very limiting, almost a kind of prison. Mooji says, "Don't reject your culture, just go beyond it - You are earlier than that." Sometimes we are devoted to religions, beliefs and cultures which are suffocating for us; some pride is there and we won't let go of it. The Satsang is here to push us back to the place earlier than human identity. The One here has no race, culture or parents. This is the original place. Knowing this Truth makes it possible to move freely in the realm of diversity; the dream can go on, but we are experiencing it while being awake.

  • The Grace Of Being

    05/12/2018 Duración: 33min

    "Depending on how much we are still functioning with a strength of belief in our person and our personal life, it will appear to be that that life is predominating. That's the life 'I' have to deal with. As the attention is dropping again into its Source - into the Heart - the focus on the terrestrial existence becomes softer and softer and thinner and thinner, and is replaced by the sense of Being which is not calculating; it is felt as presence and joy." A spontaneous Skype Satsang recorded in London

  • Pure Stillness

    05/12/2018 Duración: 12min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal "The Self is like light - it has no colour. The Beingess and the body is like a prism and when the light hits this prism, all the colours come out. These colours are what you call your mind and the world. The substratum of this colourful existence is always here - this unimaginable light." Music: Yeghish Manukian - Duduk, track 5

  • Go For Gold

    05/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja "If this life was all about momentary pleasures and shallow entertainment, we would be the weakest species on the planet. It seems that the highest human attainment is to transcend the egoic influence of the mind; to transcend the hypnosis of conditioning, the ignorance and the arrogance. Don't set your goal too low—go for gold! This is intelligent living. Hold your ground in the Self and let everything happen." Music: By Pratah Smaranam, ("Morning Mantras")

  • Crashing Is Grace

    05/12/2018 Duración: 24min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal "The life that we project from a personal perspective has to crash at some point; that is grace. Because if it doesn't crash, you start to believe it is true. When it crashes, your aspiration for Truth can broaden and go deeper. So what is the way to transcend this mind that functions as an obstacle? Find out who the mind attacks. It can only be the self-image that is attacked; the idea you have of what you are is attacked." Music: Amma Sangha ("Om Namah Sivaya")

  • Buddha-I Or Not?

    05/12/2018 Duración: 48min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal Mooji oftens asks, "As who are you speaking? As what are you speaking? Who sees the power of such a question?" What may come out of introspections like this is a kind of deconstruction of a lot of conceptual skyscrapers. You can feel a space of being rather than the noise of our identity and projections. Don't get your notebook out! Just let the vibration of the words do their thing, and listen in inner neutrality. Music: By Joy ("Hymns and Songs in Sanskrit")

  • That Purity

    05/12/2018 Duración: 35min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal "The Self, which is the most pure, has no distance. There is no gap except the distance of a concept, the distance of thought. But really, we are That - the Self. Just the belief that we are not the Self brings in the feeling of separation. So the Self is our perfect place. Only there can we leave the world alone, leave ourselves alone. There is perceiving in this place but there is no effort, no intention, no management, no faith or hope. These things have their beginning and their life in the mind, in the identity. Beyond the mind, meaning right here, there is no effort. Where there is no effort, that alone is called natural." Music: 'Yaman' by Bikram Singh and Manish Vyas (on "Healing Ragas" album)

  • No Portrait Is You

    05/12/2018 Duración: 12min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja "What we should really drink in is that the real cannot die; what is true cannot come to an end; what is timeless cannot be cut. Therefore – how pressing it is to find the Truth while we have the chance. The waking state is the perfect vehicle, the perfect mirror that the timeless comes again to recognize itself."

  • True Sadhana

    05/12/2018 Duración: 09min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal "After recognizing the Truth of who you are, the old way of thinking will try to come in and create doubt in you, the Beingness. At a stage of awakening you will have your 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness; forces will come and cause division and insecurity, but you have every power to transcend this. Mind can only function by distraction, by the seeds of guilt or accusation. You just hold your ground. Somehow, you catch your Self from inside, so everything is fine. Once this is clear for you, inwardly you are growing; the consciousness will expand, getting more refined and more clear, but behind that the Absolute is untouched. Don't try to figure anything out - just stay put." Music: Krishna Das' "Mountain Hare Krishna" performed by Omkara

  • In The Lap Of God

    05/12/2018 Duración: 13min

    Recorded at the intensive in Krakow, Poland, August 2011 "After recognizing the Truth of who you are, the old way of thinking will try to come in and create doubt in you, the beingness. At a stage of awakening you will have your 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness; forces will come and cause division and insecurity, but you have every power to transcend this. Mind can only function by distraction, by the seeds of guilt or accusation. You just hold your ground. Somehow, you catch your Self from inside, so everything is fine. Once this is clear for you, inwardly you are growing; the consciousness will expand, getting more refined and more clear, but behind that the Absolute is untouched. Don't try to figure anything out - just stay put." Music: 'Moon Shines at Night' by Djivan Gasparyan

  • Let This Be The Last Meal

    05/12/2018 Duración: 32min

    A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal "Whatever food you eat, you're going to be hungry again." In response to these words from Mooji, a determined seeker says, "Then let this be the last meal." Letting this be the last meal means to accept that you are just here - no longer running after meals (desires) that you will always be hungry for. "From now on, I am going to do this!" - Can you make such a promise that is alive? Is there something that determination can give to you? Who is the 'you' that will do it? Somehow, this question is almost always overlooked. Mooji emphasizes this: "It only needs to be recognized and understood the implication of what I am pointing to; I am not telling a 'you' to go and do something to then become 'Mr. Nobody'." Mooji says to all those gathered around, "Consciousness brought you to me. Seeing you here, my question to you is, what do you want? And, how much time will it take? What are you holding onto that's more valuable than timelessness? Have you shed the serpent's

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