Vitiligo Cover Voices



Your host, Nathalie, will discuss the emotional issues facing people living with vitiligo, review current vitiligo treatments, and investigate new vitiligo cures and treatments being pursued by the medical community.


  • Mount Sinai clinical study for vitiligo treatment

    25/08/2011 Duración: 10min

    Nathalie speaks with Rita V. Patel, MD of the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine about a new clinical study for a new treatment in vitiligo. Dr. Patel will describe the study and give details for those wishing to participate in the trial.

  • Living a full life with vitiligo

    08/07/2011 Duración: 44min

    Nathalie and Joanne discuss the book "Can't shove a great life into a small dream" and how we can apply the lessons and stories to living with vitiligo. Also, we talk about home remedies and prescribed medicines being used to try and repigment vitiligo white patches.

  • Vitiligo and The Four Agreements

    17/06/2011 Duración: 30min

    Nathalie Pelletier and Joanne Giovanni talk about using the techniques and ideas found in the best selling book by Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, to empower you to live confidently with vitiligo.

  • Overcoming unhappiness while living with vitiligo

    13/05/2011 Duración: 31min

    Nathalie and Joanne discuss useful coping techniques for living a happy life with vitiligo. Also, Nathalie answers emailed and call-in questions.

  • Scenesse FDA Trials for Vitiligo

    07/05/2011 Duración: 25min

    Nathalie Pelletier speaks with  Lachlan Hay, Head of Global Network and Communications at Clinuvel AG, and he explains exactly how Scenesse works on vitiligo and thoroughly unravels the FDA trial process which Scenesse will undergo. He also gives us an informative background on Clinuvel, the developers of Scenesse, and describes the stipulations and process one needs to know in order to be a part of the FDA trials for Scenesse.

  • Can diet changes treat vitiligo?

    04/03/2011 Duración: 30min

    Nathalie Pelletier talks with Morris Wisdom about the effects of diet on autoimmune diseases and vitiligo. Nathalie also discusses the latest announcement from Clinuvel about the upcoming FDA trials. Morris Wisdom has a Masters of Kinesiology and Physiology. He is also a certified nutritionist with over 15 years experience with helping clients correct their weight and health issues.

  • Yoga for Vitiligo

    18/02/2011 Duración: 31min

    Nathalie and Joanne discuss simple yoga poses and relaxation techniques which can be used to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit, to improve your quality of life while living with vitiligo.

  • My mom has vitiligo

    11/02/2011 Duración: 31min

    Nathalie talks with her daughter, Emerald, about how vitiligo effects their lives and Emerald shares what it's like to love and live with someone who has vitiligo. Also, Nathalie discusses the process of starting a face-to-face vitiligo support group in your area.

  • Why Stress May Trigger Vitiligo and How to Reduce Stress In Your Life

    04/02/2011 Duración: 31min

    Living with vitiligo in itself is very stressful; it changes our self-image and we are always self-conscious of the white patches that adorn our skin. Now imagine knowing that the way your body and mind deals with stress may actually play a role in triggering vitiligo. This is the dilemma facing every person living with vitiligo which, in turn, may become emotionally debilitating. In this week’s episode, Nathalie will be joined by adjunct Instructor, Joanne Giovanni to discuss the physiological effects of stress and how they may trigger vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases. Joanne will also share simple techniques which can be used to reduce stressors and their negative effects on your body. For over 18 years, Joanne Giovanni has been teaching stress management classes at the St.Louis Community Colleges and has been a guest lecturer and meditation leader for local organizations.

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