Modern Combat & Survival - The Patriot's Guide To Tactical Firearms - Urban Survival - And Close Quarters Combat Training

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 184:03:21
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Bullets, beans and band-aids baby! From defending against a home invasion to escaping and evading social chaos after a collapse, Modern Combat And Survival Magazine's podcast connects you with the most advanced firearms, urban survival tips, and close quarters combat tactics from the world's top experts. Subscribe to our survival magazine for free at


  • MCS 163: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

    10/10/2017 Duración: 27min

    Over 50 dead... over 500 injured... but thousands made it home alive! While authorities investigate the cause of this madman's act of violence, the real question that should be asked is... ... would YOU have survived the Las Vegas mass shooting?! The answer to that question shouldn't be based on "luck". That's why in this week's podcast episode, I want to reveal 5 tactical lessons you can take away from this tragic act of terrorism to ensure you and those you love have the knowledge you need to take fast action and escape with your life! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: What you DON'T know can kill you... but how do you know what you don't know? (A lesson in "after action review"!) Real world "awareness": Beyond "lip service" and exactly what you need to look for in your daily threat assessments! Combat footwork for staying mobile... and generate insane power in every strike! "Everyday carry" protection gear! Get a glimpse into just a few of the items I now carry in public to protect m

  • MCS 162: Combat Machete!

    03/10/2017 Duración: 01h19min

    As much as I'm a "gun guy", there's one weapon I would never be caught without whether it was in combat or in the field during my military days... ... it was my machete! Not only is the machete an incredibly useful survival tool with a wide range of uses - but it's also an incredibly powerful weapon! But here's the catch... Just as with any other weapon, it's only as deadly as the person wielding it, right? Well this week, my "Combat Machete" fighting system co-developer, Da'Mon Stith, and I share with you the foundational concepts, tactics, and drills you need to truly master this critical survival weapon!  Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Machete "super-powers": Why no survival weapon arsenal is complete without this amazing blade! Combat footwork for staying mobile... and generate insane power in every strike! Attack angles! The secret to non-stop blade "flow" that will allow you to defeat even multiple attackers with ease! How to hide your machete (even in plain sight)! Combat

  • MCS 161: Self-Defense Vs. A Larger Attacker

    26/09/2017 Duración: 29min

    Over the years, the #1 question we've always received from readers when it comes to self-defense is... ..."How can I win a real street-fight against a bigger, stronger, attacker?" Well, I won't lie... size DOES make a difference when it comes to fighting. But it's not "THE" determining factor... and this week I'll share with you 3 critical factors you can use to know without a doubt that you have the ability to destroy someone twice your size and strength!  Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The "martial arts myth" that even self-defense instructors (who have never been in a real fight) fall prey to! What a $100 bill can teach you about the life-or-death reality of the first seconds of an attack! How to strike "superhero hard"... even if you're 80 lbs soaking wet! Why I'm NOT a fan of the "groin strike"... and what to do instead! The weakest spots of the human body (that even jacked-up, muscle-bound felons can't train to protect)! Believe it or not, the "little guy/gal" can actually

  • MCS 160: The Truth About Antibiotics For Survival

    19/09/2017 Duración: 33min

    We've seen it in every wide-scale disaster... Vital emergency services are suspended or overloaded... medical help becomes scarce... and 911 calls go unanswered! Now imagine a SHTF scenario where a loved one comes down with a high fever... shows signs of horrific illness... and suddenly YOU become "the family doctor". Do they need antibiotics or not? If so, what kind do they need... where can you find them... and how do you administer them? Go to the internet and you'll find thousands of opinions - often from well-meaning (yet clueless) "armchair preppers" with no medical background. So this week, I asked my favorite REAL SHTF doctor - the one and only Dr. Bones - to school us all on exactly how to find... stockpile... diagnose... and use antibiotics to save a loved one's life when you're the only physician you can count on.  Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How to evaluate your "patient's" condition to decide if they need antibiotics or not! Not all antibiotics are the same - do YOU kno

  • MCS 159: The Ultimate Close-Quarters Combat Secret

    12/09/2017 Duración: 41min

    It's taken me DECADES of dedicated close-quarters combat training to realize this... The victor of any attack depends on something more than just "techniques" - it's something much deeper... and more primitive! In fact, I can confidently say that if you don't master this one single "survival factor", all the self-defense techniques in the world won't do you a damn bit of good. So what exactly is this "close quarters combat secret"? Well, at first listen, it may sound too simple to be so powerful. But I promise you... it's DAMN powerful! And "simple"? Well, yes... if you follow the instructions in this week's podcast episode with former Israeli spec-ops soldier, Ron Grobman, as he reveals how you can master it (today!) to be virtually invincible in a real street fight.  Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: What spec-ops soldiers... prison felons... and barroom brawlers know about surviving a violent attack (that you don't!) How to stare into the eyes of a vicious street thug... and show no fe

  • MCS 158: Ninja Survival Secrets

    05/09/2017 Duración: 47min

    The ancient Ninja did more than just lie at the bottom of ponds breathing through reeds until their unsuspecting enemy came close enough for a lethal poison dart attack. They were some of the original "survivalists" - able to live on their own under extreme conditions for long periods of time. This meant that their skills needed to go far beyond just how to slice someone's coconut with a sword. And this week, real-life Ninja, Jeffrey Miller, shares simple survival strategies you can learn from these legendary warriors that will help you master the skills needed to face any disaster, crisis, or attack!  Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Why the Ninja were the original "Doomsday Preppers"... and what they have to offer the modern day survivalist! Ninja wilderness survival: The "Secret Of 3" you should apply to ALL of your preparedness skills! Beyond bullets - How to make EVERYTHING a weapon! Urban survival camouflage! Ninja secrets of being "invisible" (even in plain sight)! Escape &a

  • MCS 157: Top 10 Paracord Tricks You Don't Know

    29/08/2017 Duración: 45min

    A survivalist without paracord is like Dirty Harry without his .44 Magnum. In fact, this "wonder string" can literally save your life in a survival scenario! Sure, the internet abounds with endless lists of "best paracord uses"... so I challenged my friend and survival expert, Kevin Estela, to come up with tips most survivalists have never heard of before. In this week's podcast episode, Kevin gives his "Top 5" best paracord uses... and with my own "Top 5", you'll have a good handful of new tactics to try out! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The "Trapo" Trick The "Riot Leash" Trick  The "Para-Rescue" Trick The "Invisible Knife" Trick The "1-2-3 Anchor" Trick The "Running Sniper" Trick The "Condom Container" Trick The "Pistol Sniper" Trick The "Rattler Alarm" Trick The "Budget Bodyguard" Trick Grab a copy of the show notes & cheat sheet here... Think YOU have a weird paracord use that most people don't know about? Challenge us with your own tip in the comments section on the blog!

  • MCS 156: Survival For Seniors

    22/08/2017 Duración: 16min

    Are you "old-er" or have a physical disability that would make bugging out or other survival skills more difficult? Or maybe you care for someone who is challenged physically? This is a common obstacle many survivalists face when it comes to planning out how they would respond to a natural disaster or wide-scale crisis. In fact, one of our NWPA members, Steve, has this "problem"... and gave me permission to let you listen in on our phone call where I shared with him a no-nonsense reply he wasn't expecting. Now I challenge YOU to follow the same advice I gave Steve... and I'll even throw in a few extra "bonus tips" after the call! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode... "Bugging out" for seniors?  Impossible, right? Well... "But MY situation is different!"  What to do when the rules don't seem to apply to you! How age and physical ability can affect your evacuation decision during a disaster! The simple "back-up" gear you'll need for fast mobilization! The 1 single most important piece o

  • MCS 155: Wilderness Survival Lessons Learned

    15/08/2017 Duración: 25min

    Last week, my 15 y.o. son and I took a backcountry canoe trip - just dad and son - deep into the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. It was a great opportunity to not only bond with the best kiddo on the planet (ok, I'm a bit biased), but also to train him in some wilderness survival skills (such as land navigation, fire-starting, shelter-building, etc.) But sometimes the best lessons come from the mistakes we make, right? Well, this week I thought I'd share our personal story, as well as the "top 5" lessons learned from our trip... including my personal screw-ups! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode... Why good weather and ideal conditions can be your downfall when you're preparing for "go time"... and what to do NOW to save the suffering later! The "bug-out bag" mistake so many preppers make that - when fixed - can help you quickly adjust to changing conditions at a moment's notice! Metal vs. Mother Nature!  Nothing could stand in the way of the "beast" I would never leave behind..

  • MCS 154: Converting A Non-Prepper Spouse

    08/08/2017 Duración: 37min

    I know from all the emails we get and the surveys we’ve run that this is a question LOTS of patriots and preppers have... “How do I turn my spouse into a fellow prepper or protector, easing the burden on BOTH of us?” Trust me... I can empathize! If you're like me, you may have some gear you want... some training you'd like to attend... or you've just plain tried to get your significant other "on board" with taking more interest in their own protection... ... and maybe you haven't been too successful accomplishing any of this, eh? Well, that’s why I asked "prepper spouse & mom extraordinaire", Nila Rhoades, for her personal advice on how to "convert" our loved ones over to our path of self-reliance. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode... How to royally screw up your chances of EVER getting your spouse on "your side" of the prepper path! (Avoid these mistakes like the plague!) Convincing the "nothing bad ever happens" spouse that the world isn't all rainbows and puppy dogs! How to overco

  • MCS 153: Survival Team Dynamicss

    01/08/2017 Duración: 37min

    Forget all the romantic fantasies about living a lone-wolf lifestyle following a wide-scale collapse or crisis. The reality of a survival situation, especially a long-term survival situation, is that you may find yourself living under tremendous stress with scarce resources. This is why we've talked extensively in the past about why you should consider building a survival team to band together with like-minded preppers and pool your skills and resources for better odds of survival. But the "human" side of survival can be just as challenging as the environment you find yourself in... if not more! In this week's episode, urban survival expert and author, Richard Duarte, shares his best strategies for leading a survival team through the hardest times... without killing each other in the process!  Here's a look at what's ahead in this week's episode: How to know if your team is psychologically "ready" to survive together... or if they've fallen for the 3 big survival myths most people discover too late! What l

  • MCS 152: EDC Tactical Knives

    25/07/2017 Duración: 44min

    Ask a dozen "knife experts" what's the best everyday carry knife to carry for self-defense and survival... and you'll get 3 dozen answers! While what you carry for personal protection is mainly a personal choice, there ARE pros and cons for each class of knife that you need to be aware of BEFORE you have to put it into use. In this week's broadcast, our resident "knife geek" over here at MCS HQ, Buck Greene, shares his analysis of 5 classes of everyday carry knives you might consider for your own blade arsenal. Here are the 5 classes of knives we'll review in this week's episode: Tactical folding knives Small fixed-blade knives "Covert" knives Automatic knives Large fixed-blade knives All blades have their purpose, their strengths, and their weaknesses. Run your own personal choice through this checklist and let us know what you've chosen in the show notes on our blog!

  • MCS 151: Backup Bug-Out Transportation

    18/07/2017 Duración: 32min

    No... you don't need a camouflage 4x4 "monster truck" with spiked hubcaps to get out of Dodge when a disaster strikes (though that would be pretty badass, wouldn't it?). In fact, there are times where your vehicle may NOT be the best transportation option when you're forced to evacuate your home during a crisis. Other times, the decision may be made for you as you hit the virtual parking lot that used to be a 4-lane highway, now packed with the unprepared zombies who have stalled, broken down, or run out of gas. But survivalists never say "die", right? Your family is counting on you to get them to safety and this week, survival expert, Kevin Estela, shares his best "back-up plans" for staying mobile while everyone around you is at the mercy of Mother Nature and Murphey's Law. Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode: How to evaluate your personal bug-out evac route and transportation options like a pro! The bug-out bicycle! How to choose and use a bike as a back-up! Bugging out without wheels..

  • MCS 150: Active Shooter Defense

    11/07/2017 Duración: 21min

    It's happening more and more often... ... a lone gunman, a "crazy" armed with a knife, or now even a coordinated attack by terrorists using large trucks on a crowd of unsuspecting bystanders - it's obvious nowhere is "safe" any longer. That's why the sheepdogs of our society - you and me - must be prepared at all times to protect ourselves and those we love from an instant ambush attack. But the information you find these days spans from the laughable "find a place to hide and wait to die" b.s. to methods of tackling and disarming a shooter bare-handed while shouting about bald eagles and America. In this week's podcast, Active Shooter Response expert, Alain Burrese, breaks through the myths and misinformation about how to respond to a mass attack and offers a new model that you can count on to get you and your family home alive! Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode: Why the British government has it wrong, wrong, wrong about how citizens should respond when an active shooter is on the rampage.

  • MCS 149 - Independence Day Wishes... And Presents!

    04/07/2017 Duración: 26min

    Yes, it's birthday time in good ol' US of A! And this week I have 3 "birthday wishes" for all of our listeners... ... AND... some presents for you! Like FREE firearms training... for the rest of your life! Interested? Listen in and see how to grab it now!

  • MCS 148: Saving Our Forgotten Soldiers

    27/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    Recently, the Chair of the House Committee On Veterans Affairs brought it into perspective... During the Civil War, it was called "Soldier's Heart"... In WWI, it was "Shell Shock"... In WWII, we called it "Battle Fatigue"... Today you and I know it as "Combat-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" - or "PTSD" - and it's claiming the lives of 20 veterans a DAY who commit suicide as a result of the psychological wounds they experience while fighting for the rights and freedoms we all enjoy. As a combat veteran who has suffered from PTSD myself, I've set out to end this tragic trend with our "Operation Save Our Soldiers" and my joining the Board of The Elk Institute - a non-profit that has literally found a CURE for combat-related PTSD. Yes... a CURE! And now YOU can help save a soldier's life... and I'm willing to bribe you for it in this week's podcast episode.

  • MCS 147: The Night Gunfight

    20/06/2017 Duración: 29min

    I'm sure you've heard the FBI stats... ...80% of all criminal attacks occur in low-light environments. It could be a dark parking lot ambush... or a nighttime home invasion... because criminals are smart enough to realize that in low-light they have a better chance of making you their victim and less chance of being identified for arrest. Now let me ask you... How well trained are YOU with your firearm for a nighttime attack? If you tell me you spend 80% of your training on low-light counterattack, I'd be shocked. But now worries... in this week's broadcast, former Israeli spec-ops soldier, Ron Grobman, will reveal his street-proven secrets for fighting back in the dark! Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode: The Israeli spec-ops "mind-set" you must adopt to be fully prepared for a low-light attack! What you DON'T know about a night ambush... that you don't want to find out the hard way! How to transition from "fighting" to "SHOOTING" when you're attacked without warning in the dark! Going

  • MCS 146: Survival Team Leadership

    13/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    I know you see the same "warning signs" I do... A future collapse - potentially even for years - is pretty much a mathematical certainty - which is why we prepare in the first place, right? But it's the smart survivalists who realize (now!) that going it alone during a crisis is a recipe for disaster. Building out your survival team BEFORE a catastrophic event is what will truly give you strength in numbers against the hordes of unprepared "zombies" who will freak out once our infrastructure goes down. But the question is... "WHO will lead your team?" If you're thinking that's YOU... then you should probably listen to this week's podcast episode first... Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode: What type of "personality" it takes to inspire action... and how to tell if you have what it takes! Why NOW is the best time for you to prepare your survival gear! Sure the clock is ticking, but it's also about the "message" you send others that will decide who the leader will be. Why "military experien

  • MCS 145: 5 Quick Gun-Training Tips

    06/06/2017 Duración: 23min

    Last week we held our live "Gun Training Tips Roundtable & Giveaway" event and it was a HUGE success! We got over 800 great training tips in from our magazine subscribers, Facebook fans, and podcast listeners and I'm STILL yanking out some amazing fun, new tips as I pour over all the info! In fact, this week only, you can get a free download of the entire gun-training tips call so you can grab the audio recording (over 90 minutes!) and listen to yourself to add some new drills and tactics to your training. And as a little teaser, for this week's podcast episode, I thought I'd share with you just 5 cool gun-training tips I hand-selected from the ones submitted by our fans. Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode: "Bad guys" don't attack when YOU have the advantage... and Shawn M. (Chicago, IL) has a great "quick tip" to help you prepare for any less-than-ideal conditions! I've never seen a gangbanger wear a bulls-eye on his chest... which is why Frederick E's (Fort Fairfield, ME) live-fire ra

  • MCS 144: Bar Fight Stand-Off

    30/05/2017 Duración: 35min

    There's an old saying that goes something like... ..."If you don't want to get into bar fights... stay out of bars!" Well, it's true that one way to avoid violence is to avoid going to the places where the "bad guys" hang out... you can't live your life with your head in the sand and pass up a vibrant social life, right? Nonetheless, you never know when a "bully" can get up in your face when you're out having a good time... and you'd better know how to handle yourself to avoid a fight... ... or end the fight FAST if you have no choice but to defend yourself! In this week's broadcast, you'll discover exactly what to do to emerge the victor! Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode: Simple tactics to "survey" a club or other social event like a pro to pre-determine potential conflict zones! How to respond to a "woofer" who's trying to pull you into a fight! The secrets to showing NO FEAR to your aggressor (even though you're pooping your pants!) Pre-emptive striking: How to tell when it's the r

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