Modern Combat & Survival - The Patriot's Guide To Tactical Firearms - Urban Survival - And Close Quarters Combat Training

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 184:03:21
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Bullets, beans and band-aids baby! From defending against a home invasion to escaping and evading social chaos after a collapse, Modern Combat And Survival Magazine's podcast connects you with the most advanced firearms, urban survival tips, and close quarters combat tactics from the world's top experts. Subscribe to our survival magazine for free at


  • MCS 123: Ambush Survival (Part 2 of 2)

    20/12/2016 Duración: 38min

    As we said in Part 1 of our "Ambush Survival" podcast series, in most criminal attack scenarios, you WON’T have the advantage of recognizing the danger that’s headed your way… until it’s too late! Criminals aren't as stupid as we'd like to think they are and will try to ambush you when you least expect it... brutally... and without mercy! In order to survive this type of no-warning attack, there are specific tactics you must master before - and even DURING - the attack. This week, we follow up on our old ISCQC archive workshop with more real-world survival skills for armed and unarmed citizens.Subscribe To Our iTunes Survival Podcast Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode... Pre-fight strategies to avoid the dangerous "sucker punch" attack! A listener question about "how to get sneaky" when you're a woman, disabled or have other characteristics that a criminal may think makes you easy prey! "Profiling": A politically-incorrect word for a necessary survival skill! Attacked from behind: How t

  • MCS 122: Ambush Survival (Part 1 of 2)

    13/12/2016 Duración: 38min

    There's a BIG difference between "fighting" and "self defense". Fighting often involves prior knowledge. You know it's going to happen. Mixed martial arts bouts are "fighting". But in most criminal attack scenarios, you WON’T have the advantage of recognizing the danger that’s headed your way… until it’s too late! A real criminal will strike while you aren't looking... attack you when you least expect it... and ambush you without giving you the opportunity to block his blows or get to a weapon to defend yourself. But this type of ambush attack DOESN’T have to mean defeat or death! You may not be able to choose WHEN you’re attacked… but you DO have options to fight back if you know the dynamics of how to survive an ambush attack - and that’s what Andrew Netschay is best at! This week, we dip back into our old ISCQC archives for a 2-part podcast series that I feel is a such a critical survival skill for armed and unarmed citizens, that it was worth reviving this exclusive training. In Part 1 we’ll get into all

  • MCS 121: Gunfighting On The Ground

    06/12/2016 Duración: 21min

    You hear it all the time in the self-defense and hand-to-hand combat world in relation to the realities of a street fight... "80% of all fights end up on the ground!" Whether that's a scientific number to believe in or not, as you've probably seen yourself, most fights DO go the ground in a tiring wrestling match. This is a very dangerous place to be under any circumstances - and even more so when you're armed with a firearm... can't get to it... and your attacker can! In this week's podcast, innovative firearms expert, Rich Nance, reveals the biggest mistakes most gun-owners make when it comes to preparing (or not preparing) for a life-or-death ground battle. Here's what you'll discover in this episode... The "big mistake" high school wrestlers and mixed-martial artists make in those first critical seconds of an ambush! Why "position" matters when you're flat on your back! (It's all in your legs!) The one time your attacker grabbing your gun can actually work FOR you in a ground struggle! Why you may

  • MCS 120: Best Bug-Out Guns

    29/11/2016 Duración: 27min

    The balloon has gone up! The grid is down... looters are roaming the streets... and you've finally decided it's time to relocate yourself and your family to your "Plan B" safety retreat before the danger comes charging straight through your front door. Will you go walking down Main St. with your bug-out bag on your shoulders and an AR-15 positioned across your chest? Or will you pack one of the "5 best bug-out guns" I share with you in this week's podcast... Here's what you'll discover in this week's broadcast... The best "survival caliber" for bugging out! Many preppers debate what firearm works best as a survival weapon... and sometimes the best choice comes down to the ammo. Why BIG firepower comes in tiny packages... and my personal choices for "little guns" that can save your life in an evacuation to safety! Why the military matters when it comes to what you carry! Cross-prepping platforms: Or "how to plan for multiple weapons scenarios without carrying multiple firearms! The "legal" mini-rifle!

  • MCS 119: Trump Predictions

    22/11/2016 Duración: 33min

    I admit it... I wasn't a "Trump Fan". But as a patriotic American, I'll give anyone a shot. In fact, our foundational "political principle" as company has always been that we talk to all survivalists regardless of their political opinion. Democrats love their kids just as much as Republicans, Libertarians, Green, or whatever.   Our audience covers all ends of the spectrum, which is why we train on "survival".  Period.  End of story. But from the wild rollercoaster ride of a campaign, is there anything we can take from Trump's comments and actions that give us a hint of what to expect in the years ahead? This week you get the pleasure of listening to my personal rant on what might be coming up. I'd love to get your (respectful) opinion as well!   Here's what you'll discover in this week's broadcast... The "Trump Economy"!  Will we ALL finally be billionaires?  Or is doomsday still on the horizon? Our your guns REALLY safe? (I'll share the #1 threat you STILL face that could throw your 2nd Amendment rights s

  • MCS 118: Escape A Burning Car

    15/11/2016 Duración: 19min

    Ok, so you have your gas mask hanging near the front door of your subterranean survival bunker... ... you have more MRE's stockpiled than the National Guard... ... and your entire family has been drilled on your zombie apocalypse response plan. But short of a TEOTWAWKI event, are you prepared for the everyday tragic scenarios that kill real people every day? Take a car crash for example... Do you set yourself up for survival every time you get in your vehicle to head off to work (or the grocery store)? If you found yourself upside-down with flames pouring out of your engine compartment, would you be able to escape in a matter of seconds when your door is crushed in and you're all tangled in a seatbelt? Would you be able to save your spouse, child or grandchild trapped with you? You will after this week's broadcast where you'll discover... A common mistake nearly every "working stiff" makes when getting in their car that can cause instant unconsciousness in even a small car crash. The #1 most important "cra

  • MCS 117: Combat Folding Knives

    08/11/2016 Duración: 49min

    Do you carry a "combat folding knife" as part of your everyday carry gear (EDC)? Most of our listeners do - whether it's for simple tasks like opening up boxes... or for back-up self-protection. But do you have the right knife to defend yourself? And do you know how to USE that knife in real life-or-death combat? Well this week, edged-weapons trainer, Chris Fry, will reveal what you need to know in order to choose... train with... and deploy a combat folder knife to save your life in a real attack! Here's what you'll discover in this episode... Choosing the perfect "combat folder" knife!  This is a very personal decision - and what you carry depends on several factors we'll discuss! Tactical "covert carry" methods!  It's not as simple as just slipping it into your pocket.  Discover your options... and how to adapt the knife to your personal lifestyle. The absolute FASTEST way to get to your knife during an attack! Chris's 4-step method you've never heard before! Real-world knife-fighting tactics street

  • MCS 116: Tactical Halloween Treats

    01/11/2016 Duración: 19min

    I LOVE Halloween! Not only because it's the one time each year I allow myself to raid my son's candy bag and stuff myself stupid full of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... ... but it's also a great opportunity to do some "tactical training shopping" at a HUGE discount! In fact, in this week's podcast episode, I'll reveal my "Top 7" tactical Halloween goodies you should pick up right away the day AFTER the holiday to add more realism to your training and save a ton of greenbacks at the same time! Here's a quick look at what you'll discover in this week's episode: How to save as much as 90% on self-defense training aids to make your training partner look like a real "street thug"! Buy this "stage prop" (or make it yourself!) and add it to your edged weapon training to see just how difficult it can be to survive a real attack! This one "girlie item" doesn't lie about whether you're alive or dead at the end of your training! The Halloween lawn decoration you can use for force-on-force gunfight training (even if

  • MCS 115: Win Any Gun-Control Argument

    25/10/2016 Duración: 56min

    Let's face it... More and more of our constitutional rights are being attacked on a daily basis! Government eavesdropping on our private lives... no-knock searches on innocent civilians... freedom of speech stomped on for saying "the wrong thing"... But nothing is more terrifying than the constant assault on our ability to defend ourselves with a firearm - ANY firearm you and I choose - to protect those we love. Of course no one wants criminals, terrorists, psychos, and "the stupid" to have guns... but the Left's arguments of why we need more gun control (and how to do it) requires all of us Patriots to do our part to keep the 2nd Amendment alive. And that means having a great come-back when your liberal sister-in-law tries to put you in your place at the Thanksgiving table this year. And that's where Guy Smith comes in... In this archive broadcast, Guy gives you a "no b.s." 2AD debate-winning arsenal of truth nuggets that will wipe that smile off of anyone's face who thinks you can't argue back on such doozi

  • MCS 114: Bruce Lee Fight Secrets

    18/10/2016 Duración: 30min

    There's no way to argue it... Bruce Lee was one of the world's greatest martial artists (perhaps THE greatest!) But Lee was also a devastating "fighter" - capable of destroying any attacker stupid enough to test his skills. Unfortunately, many martial artists have learned (the hard way) that those techniques trained over and over in the dojo don't often translate to practical tactics for defeating a street brawler. But Lee was an innovator. He analyzed... tested... trained... and fine-tuned what REALLY worked from all the martial arts he studied to develop more of a "system" of principles that not only looked great on film, but would save your life in a real attack. In this broadcast, we dive into one of his foundational attack principles - his "5 Ways Of Attack" - and explore how to use them to defeat any attacker in a real street fight. Here's a quick look at what you'll discover in this week's podcast: "Street fight science"... and 2 simple moves anyone can use to end a fight fast (even in as little as ju

  • MCS 113: Secret Hiding Spots For Home Defense

    11/10/2016 Duración: 35min

    I guess I never really grew up... Every since I was a little kid, I LOVED to find little "secret hiding spots" in my bedroom... around my home... and in the woods in back of my house. Secret messages... candy... and um... other "stuff"... Today I still love coming up with nifty "covert caches" in my home... but now I do it for another reason... ... a "do-it-yourself" stealth arsenal for home defense! Want to know my favorite hiding spots? Then listen to this week's free podcast episode where I'll share my "Top 10" hides... and what to stick in there! Here's a quick look at what you'll discover in this week's podcast: Why "secret hiding spots" are more grown up than ever! How to survive a worst-case home invasion where you're tied up... unarmed... and your family is praying for your heroism! How to turn everyday objects into covert weapons containers! Hide locations in plain sight... and with EASY ACCESS to turn the tables on violent thugs in your home! SPECIAL BONUS ANNOUNCEMENT: It's at the very end

  • MCS 112: Sheepdog Tactics With Dave Grossman

    04/10/2016 Duración: 27min

    The "sheep" of our society live in a state of denial. Despite the horror stories on the evening news, they choose to look the other way and - when it comes to their own safety - ignore the fact that there are wolves "outside" their door - opportunistic predators who prey on the weak through violence. But then there's you... The kind of people who listen to our podcast and train with our programs are the "sheepdogs" of the world - the protectors. However, being a "tactical sheepdog" means more than just owning a gun and giving claiming the nickname... ... it takes the right mindset... knowledge... skills... and equipment. And this week, the legendary Lt. Col Dave Grossman is here to help you with all for of these critical factors for walking the path of a true protector. Here's what you'll discover in this episode... Sheepdog Crash-Course: Why the "sheep" need our protection more than ever... and how to face the wolves! Anatomy of a "sheepdog" protector - the fundamental factors that separate you from the "

  • MCS 111: The (Reluctantly) Self-Protected Woman

    27/09/2016 Duración: 29min

    I admit it... my wife hates guns. I've given up on convincing, pleading, begging (and therapy) to try to convince her to take her safety more serious. Nothing seems to work. If you're a husband, boyfriend, father, or brother with a "gun-reluctant" girl in your life, you can probably relate, eh? Well if you want some straight answers on how to get that special woman in your life to be more safety-conscious (dare I say to even love guns?), then who better to ask than another woman who knows her stuff, right? That's where Carrie Lightfoot comes in! In this week's podcast, she provides "Dear Abby"-like advice that may just have that special someone shooting even better than YOU! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Women are from Venus! That's right guys... women don't think like we do and you need to understand the emotions they have (and the "excuses" they tell themselves) about guns if you ever want her to come around to putting a finger on a trigger! Men are from Mars! Apparently on Mars, dude

  • MCS 110: Survival "Speed Round"

    20/09/2016 Duración: 11min

    I'm rushing to get this out... (pant pant) From one plane onto another as I go from speaking at the Self-Reliance Expo in Florida to head over to another event in the mountains of Colorado. (pant pant) I have just enough time to dip into our stockpile of submissions and pull out 5 good "survival questions"... and spit out a direct, "no b.s." answer in the fastest time possible. Get ready to take quick notes, as I field questions like... "I'm building up food reserves and don't really have a safe hiding place or a bugout location. I'm stuck here.  Where can I hide my emergency food?"  ~ Terry V. "When hiding your guns during martial law, what do you do about the guns that are in your safe?"  ~ Brian S. "When prepping for financial collapse, should I melt down my jewelry or keep it as individual pieces?"  ~ Dawn P. "How can I prepare on a limited budget?  I don't have a large cash reserve, gold and silver, or hidden assets that can be used for barter."  ~ James M. "What is a good average for supplies an

  • MCS 109: Self-Defense Over 50

    13/09/2016 Duración: 37min

    One of the most frequent questions we get from listeners and readers when it comes to self defense is... "Can an older person really defeat a younger, stronger attacker in a real fight?" Now I'm not so stupid to think that a giant, 240lb street thug doesn't have a size and strength advantage against most "over 50" men and women. But frankly, it's the wrong question. A better question is, "What specific tactics can an older person rely on to completely destroy that overconfident piece of sh*t who things I'm an easy target?" Now THAT I can work with! And this week, that's exactly what my friend, former cop, and martial arts Hall Of Fame legend, Loren Christensen, is going to reveal! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... How to project a "don't screw with me" attitude to avoid coming off as an easy parking lot target! Going "beyond the gun": Sound advice from a "gun guy" who's seen how real fights happen on the mean streets! How to avoid the "martial arts trap" of getting sucked into the one-siz

  • MCS 108: Integrating Armed & Unarmed Combatives

    06/09/2016 Duración: 18min

     Are gun-owners a little "too confident" in their ability to use a firearm for personal defense? No, I'm not talking about whether or not you can put a bunch of holes within 1 square in a paper target. I'm talking about whether or not you're ignoring your "back-up plan" for when your gun may not be readily available in an attack. Sadly, most firearm-focused protectors out there fail to take a more holistic approach to their defense plan. So I asked my buddy, Tim Larkin, to share his insights on how to integrate combatives training AND firearms training in order to be better prepared for the reality of a violent attack. Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Why "violence" matters... as much to you as it does to your attacker! Gun guru wake-up calls that should shock you into going "beyond the barrel" and show you how to be even better prepared before you ever lay a finger on the trigger! The critical difference between being a "gunfighter" and being able to "fight with a gun"!  (Even experienc

  • MCS 107: Survival Food Hacks

    30/08/2016 Duración: 26min

    Are you stocking away a hefty hoard of survival food for that day the spit hits the fan? You should be. You never know when a threat will cut off our food supply and all we're left with are empty store shelves and a fridge full of spoiled food. Fortunately, you can get survival food kits for pretty cheap these days. But I've never been one to settle for "good enough"... and this week I'll share my Top 10 survival food hacks - items you probably aren't storing for an emergency... ... but you should be! Here's a quick look at what you'll discover in this week's podcast: How soldiers keep even the nastiest "field food" from tasting like camel snot (works great on stomaching even "wild food" that you forage!) The "wonder vomit" that has so many healthy and medicinal benefits, I couldn't even list them all in this broadcast! 2 Japanese foods not found in any survival food supply... but could help save your life during a nuclear disaster or attack. "Virtual prozac"! A food that will naturally help alleviate

  • MCS 106: The Perfect Dry-Fire Training Session With Ron Avery

    23/08/2016 Duración: 40min

    Ok, be honest... Are you REALLY getting in as much firearms training as you'd like to? Wait, let me put it another way... Are you training as much as you SHOULD be - as much as you NEED to be - to one day protect yourself or someone you love from a violent attack? Ok, trick question... because the answer should ALWAYS be "no"! If you truly care about protecting yourself and your loved ones from an attack, you should never stop fine-tuning your shooting skills, right? But the reality is, very few of us have the time, money, or enthusiasm to make it down to the live-fire center to send a few thousand rounds down range to master the tactics that could one day save your life. The answer? Use your own weapon (safely!) in your own home, using strategic dry-fire techniques to get you to the top of your game. And this week, top competitive shooter and tactical trainer, Ron Avery, will help you design "the perfect dry-fire training session" to help you fine-tune your abilities to shoot faster... more accurate... and w

  • MCS 105: Common Sense Gun Control - Licensing & Training

    16/08/2016 Duración: 24min

    As a responsible gun-owner, if I want a nuclear bazooka, I should be able to have one. I think you should too. Well... unless you're criminally insane, a terrorist, or plan on using that bazooka to blow me and my family up at the local Piggly Wiggly. Fact is, "gun control" - as much of a dirty word that is - is something that there may in fact be some common ground on for both the Left and the Right. I still think there's room for improvement in our gun laws that can make us safer without giving up our rights... ... and I think my fellow 2nd Amendment advocates can lead the way! Sure, we've compromised probably way to much in some areas and it's a constant battle to keep the gun-grabbers from stripping us of our right and ability to protect ourselves. But this week, I may have a good "win-win" solution that (I think) can go a long way toward bridging a gap I and other firearms trainers & experts have identified. But I'd like to hear what YOU have to say too! Listen to this week's episode... my argument fo

  • MCS 104: Common-Sense Gun Control - Mental Illness

    09/08/2016 Duración: 17min

    Yes... I'm a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a proud member of the NRA. I'm also a husband and a father... and news stories of psychopathic shooters armed with gobs of weapons walking into a school, workplace, restaurant, bar, church (or whatever) and mowing down fine, upstanding citizens both shocks and scares the hell out of me. These horrifying stories of small, innocent children being shot in school "should" move us to do more to prevent these types of tragedies. Alas... they don't. Just the mention of the words "gun control" forces a gut reaction no matter what side of the political aisle you're on. Tree-hugging liberals are labeled wanting to "get rid of all guns and the 2AD"... while conservatives are tagged as "gun nuts" who think everyone should be able to own a gun no matter what. Neither is really true.  Not on a large scale. But here's the truth... We ALL actually want "gun control", don't we? I mean, no one really wants psychopaths, criminals, or terrorists to own guns, right? The prob

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