Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

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LIVE FRIDAYS 4 PM ET/3 CT/2 MT/1 PT Is your life and business truly delightful? Can it be? Jennifer Cramer Lewis says yes it can, when you don’t fall for the Big Fat Lies. Jennifer stands for deliciously ambitious female business owners like you, always knowing when they are under the spell of a Big Fat Lie, and will use her quirky irreverent style to show you, what to say yes to, so you can be proactive, passionate, productive and profitable in your life and business. Part cautionary tale, part practical magic, Big Fat Lies invites you to laugh at limitation and embrace all the fun and fortune you came here to experience as a female business owner. Jennifer’s Gift for You Jennifer’s Community


  • How To Be Brave Enough To Succeed ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  As a person that is always being accused of being resilient, it’s only a bit annoying when the universe is giving me more things I have to be brave about in order to succeed. What do you want to succeed at that being more brave would assist? In tapping into the content of this show I was shown that the amount of freedom and self expression that people allow themselves on this planet is in direct correlation to the amount of guts and bravery that they are able to access and use. By the end of this show you will have: Your specific bravery frequency Where in your body that it is located and what that means from a Human Design Perspective Let’s get and stay successful and brave together?! What if we play a game? I show you how to translate and locate your bravery quotient and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST and log into the chatroom at *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! 

  • How To Move On After A Breakup, Using Human Design


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Healing and moving on after a breakup can be hard. Did you know that your human design chart can give you some insights on how to move on after a breakup and develop deep trust in your own life and love path? In tapping into the content of this class / show, I was shown a flower that is unfolding over and over. That this flower is you. Each petal opening and allowing you to grow into the deeply beautiful soul you incarnated to be. By the end of this show you will have: >Deep insights into the “reason” your relationship “didn’t work” in your Human Design >The correct energy to invite into your world as a new love interest (if you are ready) from your Charts Let’s change it together?! What if we play a game? I show you how to see what energies are essential for healthy and lasting love for you and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST and log into the chatroom at *Listen now on the Inspire

  • How to Trust Yourself as a Business Owner ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Do you trust yourself as a business owner? Is there always something that comes up that erodes your sense of trust in your business? I see this over and over and it’s possibly the #1 reason that businesses fail, a lack of trust. By the end of this show you will: Learn the 5 elements of T.R.U.S.T and know which are missing and what to do to turn them back on for success. In tapping into the theme of this show I learned that these 5 elements are the essential and beautiful parts of you as a business owner and creator and by only focusing on them, you will create more momentum and also more free time to do more of what makes you super happy. One of the 4 pillars of my coaching practice is Happiness and what brings more of that to my clients. Let’s get you more happiness and more trust in yourself! What if we play a game? I show you how to T.R.U.S.T and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST and log into the chatroom at l

  • How To Commit To Your Soul’s Calling And Cash In ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Is 2023 the year you commit to your true soul’s calling and cashing in on your unique talents and experiences? Or are you, like many, hiding behind problems with visibility, like who are you to ask people to pay you for your soul’s calling? By the end of this show you will: Know where to look for clues on your soul’s calling Discover how to commit to yourself and perhaps make a commitment Receive a gentle boot to the bottom in the right direction In tapping into the theme of this show I discovered so many talented people undervaluing the contribution that they make to this planet. The funny thing is that the people who are committing crimes against humanity have zero trouble accepting millions or billions for their time and “talents” I believe it’s time you got paid, maybe even overpaid, for what you do. Let’s change that! What if we play a game? I show you how to access your soul’s calling while being overpaid and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make

  • Sexy Strategic Planning For 2023 Small Business ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you given any thought to your strategic plan for 2023 for your small business? Did you know that a business plan is not a strategic plan and while not particularly sexy, the results of having a strategic business plan in 2023 are very much so! By the end of this show you WILL: Know the difference between a business plan and a strategic plan AND have the bones of your 2023 Strategic Plan, ALL in a very fun, sexy format that will leave you feeling empowered and headed in the right direction. When tapping into the theme of this show I remembered how much fun it is for me to make a game out of what could be considered some of the most boring parts of building your business. Let’s change that! What if we play a game? I show you how to access your correct strategic plan while having fun and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST Monday, January 2nd, 2023 and log into the chatroom at *Liste

  • How To Gamify Your 2023 Social Media Calendar ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you thought about your social media calendar for 2023 and wondered if there was a better, more fun and dynamic way of coming up with what events go where? I am breaking out one of my classic gamifiy ‘cations for you so that we can uplevel your social media calendar for 2023 and have so much fun with it. By the end of this show you WILL: Know your seasonal, monthly and weekly themes for your calendar and events Know what the true clients you are serving want from you Know the dates that will be best for your events and offerings When tapping into the theme of this show I remembered how much fun it is for me to make a game out of what could be considered some of the most boring parts of building your business. Let’s change that! What if we play a game? I show you how to access the energies of your profitable social media presence and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST Monday, January 2nd, 2023 and log into the

  • How To Transmute Chaos To Peace At Christmas ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Is the thought of peace at Christmas something you’ve been craving, yet secretly thinking that you cannot have it? I have your back and am going to show you my most powerful tips and tricks to transmute the chaos gremlin into deep abiding peace for Christmas. When tapping into the theme of this show I remembered all the times that I really wanted peace and all I could do was receive chaos, drama, trauma from missing my children and the exact opposite of what my body craved. I often fantasized about running away to a tropical island and missing the holidays altogether. What if we do an experiment? I show you how to transmute trauma and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST Monday, December 19th and log into the chatroom at See you then! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~ 

  • Is Money Sexually Attracted to You? ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Is it possible to have money be Sexually Attracted to you? What if I told you that the number one way that money is attracted into people's life and business is by being sexually turned on and desirable? What would you choose then? My FRIENDS It’s time to Have MO MO Fun MO Happiness MO Vitality MO Romance And what is the #1 thing we pretend is stopping us from having it? MO-ney If I only had MO (money) I would choose (this thing)… That is the juiciest Big Fat Lie of this reality. So, knowing this.. What do you choose instead? How about building a relationship with your relationship with money? I recently came across a very compelling article about having a long lasting loving relationship and that there must be 5 C’s to have a healthy love relationship. I previously facilitated on Intimacy with Money.. but sheesh people, if you can’t even get a date with money, good luck getting intimate with it. The C’s are Communication Commitment Compassion Compatibility Chemistry -

  • Are You Compatible With Money? ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I even compatible with the kind of money I would like to have?" What I told you not asking yourself that question is preventing mo money than you can imagine from coming in to be compatible with you? My FRIENDS It’s time to Have MO MO Fun MO Happiness MO Vitality MO Romance And what is the #1 thing we pretend is stopping us from having it? MO-ney If I only had MO (money) I would choose (this thing)… That is the juiciest Big Fat Lie of this reality. So, knowing this.. What do you choose instead? How about building a relationship with your relationship with money? I recently came across a very compelling article about having a long lasting loving relationship and that there must be 5 C’s to have a healthy love relationship. I previously facilitated on Intimacy with Money.. but sheesh people, if you can’t even get a date with money, good luck getting intimate with it. The C’s are Communication Commitment Compassion Compatibility Chemistry

  • How Do Compassion And Money Go Together? ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How much compassion do you have for yourself, your financial situation and your money flows? What if I told you that compassion is an essential energy that you must have to ever have more than enough money? My FRIENDS It’s time to Have MO MO Fun MO Happiness MO Vitality MO Romance And what is the #1 thing we pretend is stopping us from having it? MO-ney If I only had MO (money) I would choose (this thing)… That is the juiciest Big Fat Lie of this reality. So, knowing this.. What do you choose instead? How about building a relationship with your relationship with money? I recently came across a very compelling article about having a long lasting loving relationship and that there must be 5 C’s to have a healthy love relationship. I previously facilitated on Intimacy with Money.. but sheesh people, if you can’t even get a date with money, good luck getting intimate with it. The C’s are Communication Commitment Compassion Compatibility Chemistry Here’s my invitation… for

  • Why Commit To Having Money ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you finally ready to commit to you having money? What if I told you that if you don't commit, you can never have mo than enough money and that the lack of commitment is muddying your manifestation? My FRIENDS It’s time to Have MO MO Fun MO Happiness MO Vitality MO Romance And what is the #1 thing we pretend is stopping us from having it? MO-ney If I only had MO (money) I would choose (this thing)… That is the juiciest Big Fat Lie of this reality. So, knowing this.. What do you choose instead? How about building a relationship with your relationship with money? I recently came across a very compelling article about having a long lasting loving relationship and that there must be 5 C’s to have a healthy love relationship. I previously facilitated on Intimacy with Money.. but sheesh people, if you can’t even get a date with money, good luck getting intimate with it. The C’s are Communication Commitment Compassion Compatibility Chemistry Here’s my invitation… for the n

  • How Do You Communicate With Money? ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  If Communicating with Money and having a better Relationship with Having Money is your Ask for 2022 then you will want to tune into this series. How You Communicate with Money is stopping you from having way more than enough of it. My FRIENDS It’s time to Have MO MO Fun MO Happiness MO Vitality MO Romance And what is the #1 thing we pretend is stopping us from having it? MO-ney If I only had MO (money) I would choose (this thing)… That is the juiciest Big Fat Lie of this reality. So, knowing this.. What do you choose instead? How about building a relationship with your relationship with money? I recently came across a very compelling article about having a long lasting loving relationship and that there must be 5 C’s to have a healthy love relationship. I previously facilitated on Intimacy with Money.. but sheesh people, if you can’t even get a date with money, good luck getting intimate with it. The C’s are Communication Commitment Compassion Compatibility Chemistry H

  • How To Stand By Your Knowing When You Want To Run


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you ever wanted to run from what your knowing is showing you? Lately I have been put through the ringer and while I do want to run, I also know that my knowing is something I can stand by, and so can you. In this LIVE session I will share: How to open up your consciousness to access your knowing How knowing is not related to intelligence How to set boundaries with yourself in regards to your knowing Why your soul growth depends on you checking in with your knowing everyday Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working with other very sensitive brilliant people, I know, now more than ever, it’s time for you to step into all the knowing you have hidden in your DNA. Your individual knowing and talents are meant to be expressed with deep joy and satisfaction… you are here to be bright and surrounded by love, and your own knowing has the GPS coordinates. My invitation? This information is for you to use to have way more love, time, he

  • How To Communicate And Channel Messages With Dead People


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you ever wanted to channel messages from your ancestors or other dead people? Do you get readings from people who channel and wonder if the dead people are really communicating or is it all just a sham? I have been communicating with spirit since I was a very young person, luckily I wasn’t made wrong about it or told I was a sham, so my channeling capacity has grown exponentially, especially since I used the tools I am going to share in this LIVE class. In this Class I will Share: How to open communication correctly How to set boundaries with spirits, entities, ET’s and your Ancestors Methods of communication such as free speak, scrying, autowriting etc How to clear your auric field and space after communication What is appropriate communication and what is not. Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working with other very sensitive brilliant people, I know, now more than ever, it’s time for you to step into all the methods of co

  • How To Be Stage Ready For Your Presentation, Podcast Or Show


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Do you have a show you want to do, and are struggling to be stage ready for your presentation? Does not feeling stage ready stop you from turning on the camera and recording that presentation, podcast or show? One of the things I get complimented on regularly is the level of professionalism that I have in my presentation, no matter if it’s my podcast, show or on a stage. In this event I will share: How to tap into what you want to present so it tells YOU what you’re presenting Tech tips for making sure your show is seamless and bright and attracts the right eyes How to frame yourself correctly so your background enhances instead of distracting Personal tips for looking your best on camera and feeling confident with the end result. Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working with other very sensitive brilliant people, I know, now more than ever, it’s time for YOUR unique message and presentation to be out there loud and proud. Your t

  • Why “It’s Just Business” Is Toxic Capitalism ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been told it’s just business in the name of toxic capitalism? How did you feel when you knew it was toxic? Did it make you mistrust yourself and your own abilities when it came to business? This week I heard or read “it’s just business” in regards to people doing what I consider toxic capitalism and I knew I had to put my foot down and open my mouth about it. There are so many ways of creating generative capitalistic enterprise, that being a toxic mofo is not required. In this live event I will explore: What is “just business” and what is not What toxic capitalism has done to individuals and countries around the world and why it must stop. What you as a consumer, and a creator of business can do, that nobody else has the power to do. Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working with other very sensitive brilliant people, I know, now more than ever, it’s time for your capitalistic enterprose to enhance your life, to add vital

  • How To Forgive And Not Forget ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been told to forgive and forget and tried it, experiencing more abuse rather than less? I have a new perspective, what if we forgive and not forget, which allows awareness of the transgressions and lets go of the guilt and sting that can get caught in your cellular structure? This week I noticed that I was dissecting my relationships that have been abusive to me at a soul level and discovered that a new level of transformation and transmutation is opening up to me. So much so that I want to share it with you! I am so thrilled with these new awarenesses and know in my bones that forgetting those who required us to forgive them, is a route to even more of these type of relationships. In this Live Event we will: Laugh.. It is my primary transmutation method. We will not be taking this seriously… if you need serious, you are not my person to help. Simplify.. I am told I am clear and direct in my facilitation, even on the stickiest of topics. Practical’ify.. If it’

  • How To Surrender To The In-Between Time And Space


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been experiencing an in-between time to surrender to? Where life isn’t quite giving you the thing you are accustomed to, and you are having to surrender to the space and time that you are being given and shown? This week I have noticed how simple life can be. I am in an in-between space with many of my projects. The ones that are coming are not breaking the surface yet, not ready to be viewed or shown to my clients or the world at large. The services and classes that I used to teach are no longer lighting me up (or my clients either) and I feel less inclined to offer them. I am deeply aware of surrender and also, the gap or in-between times. I can see a theme of these showing up in my life just as I was gestating a quantum leap for myself that I have been asking for. In this live event I am going to show you: How to identify your “thing” that you will need to surrender. How to start to develop non-attachment so you can let go. How to soften into your in-betwee

  • 5 Steps To Increase Your Patience & Wealth ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Did you know there is a direct correlation between and increase of Patience and Wealth? Would you be willing to experiment with learning to increase both your patience and your wealth? This week I noticed a direct correlation to the places in my life where I was willing to take the slow route to an increased level of prosperity and abundance and want to share the downloads with you about a step by step process to have more by being willing to be slow about it. As a Manifesting Generator type, of course I want it all now..but if that means I have to give up too much abundance and prosperity, then I am willing to sit on my hands to accomplish it. In this live event I am going to share with you: 5 Steps to Increase your Patience and Wealth. Master these 5 steps, you will begin to attract abundance in wealth, health, happiness and loving relationships. Our 4 Pillars in Sorceress of Success! Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working wi

  • 8 Things to Let Go of & Keep Your (Healthy) Relationship


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  8 Things to Let Go of & Keep Your (Healthy) Relationship Are your relationships healthy? Are you curious about creating healthy relationships with all the people in your life? This week I have been looking at all the factors involved in having a healthy relationship with my family, my friends, my clients and any possible love interests and I have some delicious feedback for you. If you let go of these 8 things, a lightness and brightness can flourish and allow so much more love in. In this live event I am going to share with you: 8 Things to Let Go of & Keep Your (Healthy) Relationship… H E A L T H Y friends.. Otherwise it’s not worth your health, wealth, happiness and love. You will know at the end of this conversation if it is. Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working with other HSP’s and neurodivergent thinkers, I know, now more than ever, it’s time for your business to enhance your life, to add vitality and joy, rather than d

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