Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance



Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.


  • Can Smoking Cigarettes Make You Live Longer, Are The Blue Zones A Myth, Which Meat You Should Think Twice About Eating & More With Dr. Steven Gundry

    20/01/2024 Duración: 01h46s

    Envision a life where you gracefully surpass the age of 100, untouched by the afflictions that typically accompany old age — no battles with debilitating diseases, no encounters with cancer, no navigating each step with the constant fear of stumbling and facing a hip-breaking incident. In a captivating discussion with Dr. Steven Gundry, I explore the secrets of the world's blue zones, where vitality remains a constant companion, and thriving well beyond what is conventionally deemed "your best years" is not a distant dream but a tangible reality.  Dr. Gundry is one of the world’s top cardiothoracic surgeons and a pioneer in nutrition. He hosts the top-rated health show, The Dr. Gundry Podcast, is the founder and director of The International Heart and Lung Institute Center for Restorative Medicine, and is the founder of Gundry MD, a line of wellness products and supplements. After a distinguished surgical career as a professor and chairman of cardiothoracic surgery at Loma Linda University, Dr. Gundry changed

  • Healing Your Gut (Finally), Why You Shouldn't Freak Out About Food Labels, What Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Gut & More With Dr. Lauryn Lax

    18/01/2024 Duración: 59min

    Picture receiving a diagnosis of 13 "incurable" illnesses, a daunting revelation where hope seems elusive, and the prospect of a life defined by suffering and pain becomes your reality. Today's guest, Dr. Lauryn Lax, intimately knows this struggle, as her own journey unfolded against the backdrop of such adversity. Now, she's on a mission to help people disrupt old paradigms, unleash their inner wisdom, and ignite their full potential.  As a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, clinical nutritionist, and functional medicine practitioner, Dr. Lauryn's expertise spans over two decades, making her a specialist in gut health, hormone imbalances, toxic mold recovery, and disordered eating. Her personal story has been featured on ABC, Good Morning America, TEDx, CBS, and USA Today. You can follow her work by tuning in to The Health Detective Podcast, where she discusses topics like functional medicine, nutrition, mindset, gut healing, hormone balance, and food freedom. She's also published eight books, including Total G

  • Is Methylene Blue The Key To Lasting Vitality? Defying Disease, Revitalizing Cells, And Safeguarding Your Prostate From Cancer With Dr. John Lieurance

    13/01/2024 Duración: 01h02min

    Picture a bygone era when the busy hands of textile workers were stained in the vibrant indigo hues of methylene blue. Now, fast forward to cutting-edge strategies in modern science, where methylene blue plays a pivotal role in health and wellness. Embark on the fascinating journey of how this mesmerizing compound leaped from fabric to the frontier of health and wellness, becoming a beacon of innovation. Today's guest, Dr. John Lieurance, renowned as the "Dr. Strange of Medicine," unfolds the purposes, benefits, and best practices of methylene blue. Dr. Lieurance, a renowned chiropractic neurologist with over 22 years of experience in Sarasota, Florida, has gained significant attention for his groundbreaking Functional Cranial Release (FCR) procedure. However, this is just one of many tools that he has integrated into a clinical setting over the past 30 years of his illustrious career. Dr. Lieurance's holistic approach to health and wellness is evident in his dedication to his craft, which extends beyond his

  • The Ultimate Healthy-Eating Hack, Making Family Dinners Fun, Getting Kids To Cook & Much More With Shawn Stevenson.

    11/01/2024 Duración: 57min

    Imagine transforming your family dinners into not just a routine but a cornerstone of health, connection, and joy. Just like you, I savor those precious moments with my wife and sons gathered around the dinner table. And today, we're delving into the art of family meals with none other than Shawn Stevenson. You might remember Shawn from our enlightening discussion on "Sleep, Light, Alarms, Caffeine, Night Shifts, Naps, Sleeping Positions & More With Shawn Stevenson." I've also joined him on his show for the episode "TMHS 133: Accelerated Fat Loss And Going Beyond Training — With Ben Greenfield." In an age dominated by the incessant pull of cell phones and the constant glow of television screens, meaningful moments of family connection can fall by the wayside. Shawn's latest book, Eat Smarter: Family Cookbook, transcends recipes, emerging as a guide to reclaiming family togetherness over meals. Additionally, Shawn is the mastermind behind the USA Today national bestseller Eat Smarter and the internationall

  • Optimizing Lifespan with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, High Cholesterol Dilemmas, CT Angiography Revelations, Best Cancer Diagnostics & More with Dr. Darshan Shah, MD

    06/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    Darshan Shah, MD, is a renowned surgeon, published author, tech entrepreneur, wellness specialist, and founder and CEO of Next Health.  A graduate of esteemed institutions such as Mayo Clinic, Harvard Business School, and Singularity University, Dr. Shah has an expansive medical and business background that allows him to connect with patients on a more profound level. He's also a five-time guest who first appeared on the podcast in 2019 when he and I discussed the opening of his first Next Health clinic, and again later when the two of us co-hosted a panel during my Boundless book tour in 2020, where we delved into topics ranging from sleep biohacks to spiritual disciplines and parenting strategies. Having performed over 10,000 surgeries, his dexterity and expertise are unquestionable, yet what sets Darshan apart is his unwavering commitment to optimizing health and extending lifespan, a mission that finds its manifestation in Next Health. Each clinic offers a comprehensive array of cutting-edge health servic

  • Q&A 466: A Guide To Essential Amino Acids, The Best Fat Loss Supplements, Can You Gain Muscle If You're Old, Pelvic Tilt Fixes & Much More!

    04/01/2024 Duración: 57min

    News Flashes Brand new research on essential amino acids (EAAs) by the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) is enormously beneficial when it comes to wrapping your head around why EAAs are one of my top, go-to supplements of all time: "International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Effects of essential amino acid supplementation on exercise and performance"...05:35 What are the best supplements for fat loss? A recent meta-analysis of 111 randomized controlled trials has officially been performed. Eighteen different supplements were examined in "Comparative effects of nutraceuticals on body weight in adults who are overweight or obese: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of 111 randomized clinical trials," ...25:38 The next time someone tells you canola oil and the like aren’t *really* that bad for you, ask them if they’ve ever heard of HNE. It stands for “4-hydroxynonenal.” HNE forms when corn oil, canola oil, and soybean oil are heated to a high temperature in the presen

  • Unbeatable Peptide Stacks, Advanced Age Reversal Strategies, How To Banish Anxiety & Panic, Your Brain On THC, Ketones & Ketosis & More: The Most Listened To Episodes Of 2023

    30/12/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Venture back with me to 2013: “Wrecking Ball” is blaring on your radio for the ninetieth time today, skinny jeans have America in a chokehold, and podcasts aren’t considered top-tier entertainment — or not like they are now. That’s because new research compiled by the Pew Research Center shows that a decade ago, a mere 12 percent of Americans ages 12 and up hadn’t listened to a podcast in the last month… Today, in 2023, that number has jumped to an astonishing 42 percent. It's a seismic shift in the sonic landscape — a revolution in how people consume a symphony of stories, insights, and education. As I wrap up this year with 13,630,038 downloads (but who’s counting?), 2023 emerges as a standout year for monumental growth with the global podcast listener count clocking in at a whopping 464.7 million and projections for 2024 suggesting an even more jaw-dropping figure of 504.9 million listeners. Twice a week, for nearly two decades now, I’ve hosted podcasts, including my old podcasts I used to own and run such

  • Pain-Killing Without Pharmaceuticals: Is This The Most Powerful Wearable Red Light Therapy That Exists? The Kineon Move+ With Forrest Smith

    28/12/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Explore the dynamic intersection of tech entrepreneurship and wellness innovation with today's remarkable guest, Forrest Smith. As the visionary founder of Kineon Labs, a former extreme athlete, and an esteemed leader, Forrest brings to the forefront an impressive 20-year track record of not only creating but also scaling successful startups. An avid sports enthusiast, Forrest's competitive spirit was honed on the fields of Atlanta, where he played various sports and continues to actively participate in rugby matches and CrossFit training. This athletic passion was the catalyst for the conception of the Knee+ enhanced light therapy device, a key offering from Reviiv Light that embodies his commitment to health and fitness. From the age of 14, Forrest has cultivated a deep fascination for Chinese culture and language, a passion that has grown into fluency and profound professional expertise in the Asian market. His 18 years of experience in startup creation and executive management in Asia have been marked by

  • Alternatives To Alcohol & Plant Medicine, Growth Through Ayahuasca, A Shower Routine That Grows Your Brain, Is Eating Bugs A Mind-Control Experiment & More With Mike Cernovich.

    23/12/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Embark on an exploration through the multifaceted realms of journalism, literature, and filmmaking as I dive into a compelling discussion with Michael Cernovich, a cultural luminary dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of superior existence. In 2015, Cernovich penned the best-selling book Gorilla Mindset, offering the world invaluable insights on living a better life. He maintains an ongoing exploration of culture and current affairs, and specifically focuses his work on answering the question, "What is on the other side of fear?" His film on media propaganda, Hoaxed, was a top 10 independent film for two weeks in a row and dominated the charts on Apple TV and iTunes in the documentary category. Hoaxed trended as one of the top 10 most streamed films before it was banned from Amazon without explanation. Cernovich was instrumental in bringing the story of Jeffrey Epstein into popular consciousness, as he filed a lawsuit to unseal previously hidden court files in a case involving Epstein. Cernovich has broken

  • Biohacking The Brain, Choosing Safe Supplements, Raw Liver, Getting To Sleep Without Medication & More With UFC MMA Fighter Michael Chandler.

    21/12/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    Michael Chandler is not just a force to be reckoned with in the octagon; he's a living embodiment of peak performance, resilience, and an unyielding pursuit of excellence. Chandler's venture into the world of mixed martial arts began in 2009, setting the stage for a career that would redefine the standards of the sport. It wasn't long before his prowess caught the attention of the MMA world, especially during his tenure with Bellator MMA from 2010 to 2020. During this period, he not only claimed the Bellator Lightweight Championship three times but also emerged victorious in the Bellator Season Four Lightweight Tournament, solidifying his status as a dominant force in the lightweight division. In 2020, Chandler made a pivotal transition to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), where he continued to showcase his unparalleled skills. As of July 17, 2023, he stands proudly at #5 in the UFC lightweight rankings, a testament to his unwavering commitment to excellence. His next fight will be against Conor McGre

  • Eating Healthy At Parties, Hidden Toxins In Your Children's "Health Food," Why Baby Food Has MSG & More With Food Babe Vani Hari.

    16/12/2023 Duración: 56min

    How do you feed your family the right way in a world full of crap that could be killing your kids? I can't think of a better person to answer this question than this week's guest, Vani Hari, aka "The Food Babe." She's a revolutionary food activist, a New York Times best-selling author, co-founder of the organic food brand Truvani, and was named one of the “Most Influential People on the Internet” by TIME magazine. She also joined me many years ago for the podcast episode "'The Food Babe' Says They’re Feeding You Lies (How to Unravel the Food Industry’s Playbook and Reclaim Your Health)." Hari started to spread information about what is really in the American food supply. She teaches people how to make the right purchasing decisions at the grocery store, how to live an organic lifestyle, and how to travel healthfully around the world. Her new book Food Babe Family inspires you with over 100 recipes and everything you need to feed your family in a way that will foster a love for REAL food for life.

  • (Part 2) The Most Mind-Blowing Information On Heart Disease You'll Ever Hear: Understanding The Heart (Uncommon Insights Into Our Most Commonly Diseased Organ)

    14/12/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Welcome to PART 2 of this amazing show about heart health, all based on the book Understanding the Heart: Uncommon Insights Into Our Most Commonly Diseased Organ by Stephen Hussey. As mentioned in several podcasts throughout the year, I've recently come across what I believe to be the best book on cardiovascular health that I've ever read. Before this point, my top book recommendation would have been Dr. Thomas Cowan's Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, ideally paired with a listen to my own big show on all the different ways to test, analyze, and medically quantify your heart health, which you can listen to in the episode titled "The Best Way To Test How Healthy Your Heart Is: Ben Greenfield Undergoes A Complete Advanced Cardiac Evaluation & Reports The Surprising Results!" Anyway, this latest, groundbreaking book — Understanding the Heart: Surprising Insights Into the Evolutionary Origins of Heart Disease―and Why It Matters — is by the remarkable Dr. Stephen Hussey, MS, DC, a chiropractor, functional medicine

  • The Most Mind-Blowing Information On Heart Disease You'll Ever Hear: Understanding The Heart (Uncommon Insights Into Our Most Commonly Diseased Organ) - Part 1 With Dr. Stephen Hussey.

    09/12/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    As mentioned in several podcasts throughout the year, I've recently come across what I believe to be the best book on cardiovascular health that I've ever read. Before this point, my top book recommendation would have been Dr. Thomas Cowan's Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, ideally paired with a listen to my own big show on all the different ways to test, analyze, and medically quantify your heart health, which you can listen to in the episode titled "The Best Way To Test How Healthy Your Heart Is: Ben Greenfield Undergoes A Complete Advanced Cardiac Evaluation & Reports The Surprising Results!" Anyway, this latest, groundbreaking book — Understanding the Heart: Surprising Insights Into the Evolutionary Origins of Heart Disease―and Why It Matters — is by the remarkable Dr. Stephen Hussey, MS, DC, a chiropractor, functional medicine practitioner, health coach, and speaker. He attained both his Doctorate of Chiropractic and Master of Science in human nutrition and functional medicine from the University of Wester

  • Pro Baseball Pitcher Noah Syndergaard's Thor Biohacking Routine, Jet Lag Hacks, and More.

    07/12/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    Standing at an imposing 6 feet 6 inches, Noah Seth Syndergaard’s powerful arm and commanding presence on the baseball mound have made him a force to be reckoned with in the world of professional sports. The indomitable, larger-than-life free agent, widely known by his formidable moniker "Thor," has graced the rosters of Major League Baseball teams such as the New York Mets, Los Angeles Angels, Philadelphia Phillies, Los Angeles Dodgers, and the Cleveland Guardians. Noah's story is filled with standout moments, notably steering the Mets to the 2015 World Series and earning a reputation for his blazing fastball, consistently hitting triple digits. But it's not just about the stats — Syndergaard embodies resilience, bouncing back from injuries with grit and determination, showcasing not just skill but an unyielding spirit. Off the diamond, Noah Syndergaard transforms into a maverick biohacker, charting unexplored territories of human optimization. In his riveting GQ interview titled "Noah Syndergaard Thinks Base

  • Q&A 465: How Fast Do You Lose Muscle If You Stop Lifting, Should You Take A Multivitamin, Biohacks For Jetlag & Much More!

    02/12/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    News Flashes & Q&A: -Was Ben wrong about vitamin C?...05:02 -How fast do you lose muscle after you stop training?...11:59 -The impact of exposure to artificial light for adults and kids...27:25 -The benefits of multivitamins...34:05 - Does airline travel age you? Limit damage from air travel...44:25 Q: Tom Franco asks: Would you please be able to provide some insight on what you’re eating day to day again, maybe even run through what you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the past week? I find myself having the same stuff all the time, and it’s almost like there aren’t that many foods! Thanks, dude, absolutely love you. Full Show Notes: Episode sponsors: Organifi: Go to for 20% off your order. Joovv: Just go to and apply code BEN. BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough: Use promo code ben10 for a 10% discount BioStack Labs: Visit Get 15% off when you spend $100 or more. Xtend-Life: Use code

  • The Prescription For A Healthy House: How To Heat, Cool, Filter, Clean & Build A Biologically Friendly Home, With Paula Baker-Laporte

    30/11/2023 Duración: 01h07min

    In the world of modern construction, health often takes a backseat. Step into the realm of creating sanctuaries where every corner of your home supports your well-being. Today, I'm diving deep into building biology, a paradigm that transcends conventional construction norms to weave together health, ecology, and architectural design. In this episode, we unravel the tapestry of building biology principles from the ground up with Paula Baker-Laporte. From the foundation to the rooftop to home care and repair, a house built upon building biology principles takes modern toxins, non-native electricity, air, light, and other variables into account for a unique approach to healthy-house building, renovation, and maintenance, including considerations, such as: Frame construction alternatives Thermal, moisture, mold, and mycotoxin control Flooring and finishes Furnishings Paula is an architect and building biologist living in Ashland, Oregon, specializing in health-enhancing and ecologically sound architectural desi

  • Q&A 464: How Ben Greenfield Plans His Week, Shocking Weight Loss Revelations, Muscle Gain For Teen Boys, Can You Be Allergic To Meat & More!

    25/11/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    News Flashes and Q&A's Six Sunday habits to prepare for tackling the week ahead via @artofmanliness… I actually do most of these myself on Sundays: "6 Sunday Habits to Prepare for Tackling the Week Ahead"...05:38 New study “Beyond Appetite Regulation: Targeting Energy Expenditure, Fat Oxidation, and Lean Mass Preservation for Sustainable Weight Loss” has some shocking revelations for those trying to lose weight:...20:47 "Methylene Blue: Biohacker's Delight, or Playing With Fire?" Great comprehensive overview by @chrismasterjohn — I will address this in a future Q&A podcast with my own thoughts...39:56 Q: Carl asks: I recently had an unexpected appendectomy. Any recommendations to help recover from surgery? 50:06 Q: Jenn asks: Hey Ben! Jenn from New Hampshire here, just finishing up "Boundless Parenting," been a long-time listener, love what you do! Anyway, my son is 14, just started playing football, and is getting into health and fitness. He wants to bulk up and get “swoll.” We have Kion creatine pr

  • Everything You Need To Know About Colon Cancer Early Detection, Preventive Remedies, Cutting-Edge Medical Treatments & More With Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz.

    23/11/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    In the wake of my father’s recent cancer diagnosis, my focus has sharpened on the critical realm of early cancer detection. This unexpected event injected a surge of urgency into my unyielding quest for preventive wellness, leading me back to the brilliant Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz. Embark on a journey into preventive health as I reunite with Dr. Ahvie, the founder of Anatara Medicine, one of the most comprehensive IV treatment centers in Northern California. The multidisciplinary integrative center in San Francisco treats some of the most difficult chronic health conditions using a unique integrative approach and a host of modern medical technologies and tools. Dr. Ahvie is a former Clinical Professor of Medicine at UC San Francisco (UCSF) and the personal physician to some of the Bay Area's top biohackers, celebrities, actors, and longevity enthusiasts, along with a wide range of patients looking for eradication of issues like mold, spike protein, fungus, viral particles, and much more. His training includes a m

  • QA 463: The Ben & Jessa Greenfield AMA: Top Relationship & Marriage Tips, How Jessa Deals With Ben’s Crazy Biohacks, Dealing With An Imperfect Day & Much More!

    18/11/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Jessa and I went for a walk and answered your questions.  Q: EAA Insights asks: “Jessa, what’s the most narcissistic thing Ben has done?” 07:42 Q: Chris Brands asks: "How do you overcome major differences and still leave the connection within?" 16:22 Q: Mr. Anonymous asks: "How do you handle arguments?  Does your wife ever drive you to the point of driving you nuts?  If so how do you handle it?"  25:33 Q: Brisk asks: "How have you guys built your spiritual life together? What emotional regulation techniques do you employ in the moment to avoid escalation or conflict?" 35:00 Q: Trek Zoji asks: “Have Ben’s biohacking extremes ever been a point of contention for the relationship? Has Jessa ever tried to talk Ben out of an experiment? Any successful persuasion?” 43:08 Q: Erin asks: "With all of the biohacks you have tried over the years, how do you two decide which ones will stick for yourselves? Especially for Jessa, I imagine all the different supplements, machines, etc., coming to the house for Ben to try can

  • Alternative Cancer Remedies You've Never Heard Of, Animal Venom, Urine Therapy, Nicotine For Viruses & More With Jonathan Otto.

    16/11/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    Picture this: A seven-year-old boy, glued to the television, has his heart pierced by the plight of a starving child from a world away. His young eyes are the same that, years later, would peer through the lens of a camera, capturing stories that demand to be told. This boy, my guest Jonathan Otto, grew up to be a man who wouldn't just watch—he'd act, creating waves in the realm of investigative journalism and humanitarian aid. As a result of volunteering throughout his adolescent years, Jonathan, at the age of 18, became a Youth Ambassador for the charity, World Vision. World Vision organized his first volunteer mission to Africa. Faced with the despair and hopelessness of poverty, Jonathan’s passion to help others grew deeper. From an Australian Youth Citizen of the Year to a fearless creator who has had brushes with death in Africa, Jonathan's life reads like a script from one of his own documentaries. But this script is real, and it's filled with selfless acts of bravery, not for glory but driven by an in

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