Joann Corley's | The Human Sphere Podchats

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Thought Leaders 3.0 - Interviewing contributors to the advancement of holistic talent management.


  • 2 NonNegotiable Fundamentals of Business Building You Absolutely Can't Avoid


    There is so much noise in the world of leadership and management today. Go on LinkedIn and just see the breath of information in your feed - kinda makes my head hurt. There's so much discussion about what leaders should be doing, what makes a great leader, etc. Do a search on Amazon or Google about leadership and management and millions of results are revealed.One thing for sure, if you are a senior leader or one that owns a business, there are certain fundamentals you must have in place - above all others. And yet, so many other things are discussed - I call them shiny objects - don't actively advocate and address these fundamentals.Two in particular are these:1. If you want to grow a business, you must have a reliable, effective management team.2. You are the cornerstone of your business, business unit or department.What's A CornerstoneMy husband is in construction. He has built many a building in his career from a small home to a skyscraper. One building essential every one of

  • Is It Time for You to Surrender?


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  • The 1 Thing an Employee Training Won't Change


    If you are an HR professional or key decision-maker, please note, "a simple training day" is not going to fix this. Yet many times, that's the choice that's made.In my experience there are 2 main reasons why: 1. Key leaders, decision-makers do not understand or appreciate the "human experience" in the work environment.2. There is a disconnect between how behavior (the human experience) impacts revenue. Therefore the "cheapest" prescription is chosen without being clear on the need and the best remedy to meet it. I call that the spray and pray decision. Let's spray out a bunch of information in a "training seminar" and pray it sticks and fixes things. I've said in previous posts, when dealing with employee performance problems, many decision-makers want a bandaid, when surgery is what is really needed. A bandaid seems to be much cheaper... really? And by the way, this is beyond an HR problem as some like to direct is overall a leadership and management problem.Read full text here: htt

  • 3 Undeniable Truths That Sabotage Change - Do You Recognize Them?


    Ever heard the phrase "change is hard'?I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding about that phrase. In reality there is a range of "change capabilities". Depending on the context, change can be in an instant or permanent change can take time.I've learned over the years that change can be immediate, but transformation... does takes time. And this is a crucial mind-set for leaders when trying to achieve operational change of any kind. Unrealistic expectations lead to lots of unnecessary stress and poor planning and can waste time, money and talent.So, What About Change is Hard?What is hard...really what leads up to change. Getting to the point of change is the tough part. Here's what I mean.In the work I do, helping companies achieve better results through leadership and management development, I help decision-makers get to the point of deciding to initiate their benefit.Even with all the evidence and constant discussion about the epidemic of

  • People Don't Leave Jobs - They Leave Relationships


    "People don't leave jobs, they leave bosses.'"This is a very popular phrase that circles around the HR and management community a lot...and in fact has been doing so even during the time I was a recruiter some 25+ years ago. And, in all that time has consistently proven to be true.However, I'd like to frame this truth in a different way. People don't leave jobs, they leave relationships. Because, in essence, that's what we're talking about. Leaving anyone, boss or not, is leaving a relationship.What they are leaving is the way they are being treated.Read full text here: Web Toolbar by Wibiya

  • Do You Carry This Critical Point of View in Your Business?


    If not, you're missing out... One of the elements of business I'm becoming more and more committed to - for myself and clients - is that of simplicity.I'm also devoted to spend my time providing insights and information from a different point of view that provides meaningful value...that is if you spend your precious time reading my the end of each post you'll think, "Well, that was worth it."From my experience, that different point of view is seeing business through a very simple lens. Here's the lens: all things business are derived from human behavior.  It has become a very defined view over the years and its benefits are enormous for this who are willing to see as I do.2 Simple Principles of Business You Should KnowBecause of this refined view, I see business in a much simpler way than I did when I first started my own business some 20+ years ago.After working with thousands of employees and their managers throughout North American over those past years, I'v

  • The Dilemma of Creative Thinking in the Workplace


    "If we all think alike -- no one is thinking very much." - Walt WhitmanLet me get straight to the point. One key element contributing to the dilemma of creative thinking in the workplace is fear of diversity -- fear of "too" different.  You see this "too different" causes discomfort. This is the "get out of our comfort zone" we don't consider and resist.The comfort zone we usually address is pushing ourselves to grow, moving beyond where we currently are as our choice on our terms. This is the one most familiar when we use that phrase.But, there's another. I call it "the diversity "dis"comfort zone". This   one allows others -  much different than us -  to come into our zone and be truly who they are even if it causes discomfort and in some cases we have to do the work to be accepting, receiving, embracing no matter the level of that discomfort. Read the full text here:

  • 6 Reasons Why Your Managers Are Failing


    I'm gonna cut to the chase.I've observed for many years a cyclical epidemic. Managers who don't know how and are not managing ...and are not helped in any useful, sustainable way.And continues.As a business owner, senior leader or HR professional, if you've experienced this on any level I want to help you diagnose why.Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence. Perhaps to you the 6 items below are obvious and you've sought help and just haven't found the right resources to fully fulfill your needs. I'll address that in a minute.You can read the full text here: Web Toolbar by Wibiya

  • Best Hiring Advice Ever - Hire Beyond the Job Description


    Hiring...talent acquisition is in a perpetual state of handicap.If you were new to recruiting-hiring and took a moment to scan the breath of recourses available, it's likely you'd be completely overwhelmed. Getting a grasp on effective hiring can turn into a continual game of chasing a rabbit down a rabbit hole...not quite knowing where you'll end up...just crossing your fingers the route you're taking will get somewhere close to where you'd like to end up.As someone who's been in the space of talent management for over 20 years, spending my early days as a recruiter at a INC 500 boutique recruiting firm in Chicago, I've seen the evolution in the hiring industry to the point where I think it's become complicated and excessive. Hiring just does not have to be that involved and complicated. I know it can be done quicker and better.Here's Why - Breaking it DownLet's consider a different approach. Let's look at recruiting through the lens of human behavior - doing so provides needed clarity and refreshing simp

  • Is This Your #1 Business Challenge Too?


    This Your #1 Business Challenge Too?Tip: Business management is developing managers. You've got to grow you can grow!          Duration: 6 mins. 25 secs.I had a great family get together in Indiana this weekend after speaking at the Energetic Women's Leadership Conference in Indianapolis. (The conference was a gathering of women from all over the US who are in the Energy industry - primarily gas & electric).One of the many highlights was getting the latest updates from my stepson Chris regarding the state of their business in 2019 (we have 4 business owners in our immediate family!). They are exceeding goals! I was so happy to hear!"So, what are your current challenges, what do you want to be different?", I asked. His answer, "Building middle management." Their business is family owned and operated with very aggressive growth goals. They need an effective, competent second tier leadership/management team if they want that to happen.So we talked through some of his effort

  • How to Determine When It's Time to Fire Someone


    Take a 10-minute breather today and learn how to determine when it's time to fire someone. Want to be clear & confident? Firing an employee is one of the most significant challenges and the toughest things to do in leading and managing. Yet, sometimes, it's absolutely necessary...and not doing so can severely hurt your business. Do you have a firing philosophy? Do you experience "fog" when you're trying to determine whether to do so or not? Web Toolbar by Wibiya

  • 16/05/2019

    I'm sooo excited to start a new series called "Coffee Talk"; the purpose of which is to encourage busy founders, entrepreneurs and/or their senior leaders to take just a few moments (take a "management moment") to learn something that will help them improve how they manage their business.Our Goal: Help leaders manage their business better, so their business doesn't manage them. :-)So..."take five" for an opportunity to grow as you go! Subscribe on iTunes - see link to the right.This Episode: Are you losing passion for your business? ....Having a love-hate relationship with it? Feeling overwhelmed or as if the business is swallowing you up? / Duration: 5:19 Web Toolbar by Wibiya

  • How is Your Performance Management Performing?


    Hey that may sound like a silly question, but it's legit! Here's why… I know that performance management, particularly for managers, can be challenging and without some basic knowledge to navigate its terrain, it feels like you're stumbling in the woods, can't see where you're going and don't know how to get out...and wish you'd never entered it in the first place.That's why @LinkedIn Learning asked me to create a course written specifically for managers on how to Manage Employee Performance Problems. Don't let the "course" word deter you from checking it out. My approach and mantra is to keep it real and keep it simple. You'll get helpful tips, insights and strategies.I have a fierce conviction about that mantra because I think a lot of processes and tools we use in business, particularly related to human resource management just overcomplicatesmanagement and the employee experience, wasting time and money. Read on... Web Toolbar by Wibiya

  • Let's Restore Humanity To Business - Are You In?


    "A potent force lies deep within every actor in business...a force so strong it can fuel a vision, make or break a dream. It’s a power so remarkable it conjures inventions that have changed the course of civilization as we know it. This force is the human force - the human quotient in business. It's time to shake off the burdensome, blinding corporatism that is robing us of the full exhilarating expression of this extraordinary force (yes, it can be that way sometimes!). This force translated into work renders meaningful contributions to...creates value for those around us, no matter the endeavor. Whether concocting the next big tech thing or making bread that feeds the world, all work has value and should be honored and appreciated. We come to work bringing that force, the most precious thing we have - manifested as our unique "human resourse". That resource -- our heart, mind, spirit. body and all that entails is ultimately who we are - the essence of our being..." Link to complete text

  • A Podchat With Workplace Bullying Expert Suzi Benoit


    Update: It's 2018. Suzi and I are now part of a strategic partnership that works with business owners, leaders and HR professionals addressing issues surrounding harassment, sexual and otherwise. Our mission is to help companies create positive, healthy cultures that can consistently thrive. We recently did a webcast on sexual harassment that you may want to check out as well. Click hereIn the meantime - this an interesting and revealing podcast. Below you'll find her site link. She has some good very helpful information on her blog! The podchat is an expanded discussion of this post. Please pass on -- a must listen for all HR professionals, managers and employees in this precarious situation!Download here 6 Reason Employees Don’t Disclose Workplace Abuse I recently saw an article called 7 Reasons Children Don’t Disclose Abuse” by Ginger Kadlec (you can follow her @gingerkadlec). In the world of mental health and child protection, this article provides an

  • A Podchat With Irene Becker - Transformational Catalyst


    From Pain To Gain: Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results3Q Leadership™ Blog- 27,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!   Leadership is a 3Q equation supported by courage. Courage grows each time we align intelligence: (IQ) + humanity (EQ) + integrity (SQ)9-17-2016 - Interviewer's Note: Though this interview was done several years ago, the insight and wisdom for leadership does not expire. Enjoy!Listen Now: Click to downloadThis podchat is based on one of Irene's posts:  If you are a trailblazer  who wants to not simply optimize strengths but transform changes/challenges into a lever for your greatest ability; I hope this post will motivate you.If you are a leader who aspires to building an organization where purpose, engagement,  innovation, communication, collaboration (the fire of human potential shines and grows); I hope this post will inspire you

  • Got Intuition?


    Mike Lehr: Intuition in the WorkplaceI'm excited to launch my 2016 Talent Talk - Thought Leaders 3.0 podchat series with my first interviewee Mike Lehr who was my original first!  And I am thrilled we are taking on the topic of intuition. It's a perfect complement to the work I do surrounding creative, critical and innovative thinking. I suggest you take the time to contemplate and learn about your own intuition, particularly the role it plays in decision-making, inspiration and creative thinking. Harnessing it will expand your effectiveness! Use my interview with Mike to be the jumpstart. Additionally Mike has provided a white paper on the topic.  Also, check out other complementary information on his site as well as my first podchat with him -  What Box Do You Want To Be In?LISTEN NOW:Trouble loading? Download with this link: paper link: Helping you b

  • What Box Do You Want To Be In?


    “Which Box Do You Want to be In?”Word choice is a function of personality. Yes, circumstances like jobs might require specific words but much room remains to choose other words. Sometimes, a single expression can give us all the insight we need.For example, while with a previous employer, I helped a call center with customer service strategies and techniques over the phone. The center was transitioning between managing executives. When the new executive arrived, she heard about my help’s success. She wanted to meet and discuss me joining her team. After laying out her vision, she showed me a chart expressing the new functional detail for each job. Each job was shown as a box.At the end of her review, she closed by pointing to the chart and asking, “So Mike, what I really want to know is which box do you want to be in?” To see the significance of this insight into her personality, it would help to contrast it with other possibilities:“. . . which box do you want to be in?”“. . . what kind of contribution wo

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