Jim Duke Perspective

DARPA Dark Projects



In this episode we reveal the known projects of DARPA, as well as the secret occult experiments under the umbrella of this governmental agency used for research and development. DARPA explores technology in gene DNA modification, as well as robotics, transhumanism, spying, weather modification. But what other experiments does this agency explore? Pssychology and the paranormal, What are the experiments the governmental agency known as DARPA are working on? We know they are involved with developing weaponry for the military, and robotics, but also paranormal psychological psyops, mind control and brain mapping. Technology that in the hands of diabolical thinkers, could be a dangerous tool for the insidious acts of the Luciferians.CHECK OUT MY PATREON PAGEhttps://patreon.com/jimdukeperspectiveMy website is https://JimDukePerspective.comSources:https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/58218/power-in-military-black.htmlhttps://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/nsa-surveillance-program-promis/https://www.black