Jim Duke Perspective

Technological Sorcery with Rachel Celler the Forensic Nurse



In this episode we speak with Rachel Celler RN, known as the "Forensic Nurse." as she exposes the technological sorcery of the medical industry and the dangers of vaccines and drugs. We get into the toxic materials and cancer forming agents in vaccines deliberately injected in children, as well as Chemtrails, DNA alterations, CRISPR, and connections with witchcraft and sorcery. Rachel reveals to us a medical device known as the "Hunter" machine that she discerned had occult workings. Rachel Celler can be found at https://rachelceller.orgCHECK OUT MY PATREON PAGEhttps://patreon.com/jimdukeperspectiveMy website is https://JimDukePerspective.com