Jim Duke Perspective

Celeste Solum and Technological Advances



In this episode my guest Celeste Solum speaks to us on her information regarding technology and the potential of how it will affect society. She describes hydrogel DARPA has been developing and explains neuro-enhancement technology, vaccines, and geo-engineering of how it will be used in these end times.Our conversation is a fascinating journey into how COVID is being used as an excuse to bring the vaccine to mainstream acceptance. But also that hydrogel will be used for the delivery of connections to our DNA for a readable monitoring of our body's conditions linking us to the Quantum computer system and AI. Celeste also explains how it creates a hybrid Transhuman species. She warns us that even if one rejects the hydrogel delivery of a vaccine, they already have been inputting this formula into our bodies, and will continue to do so until the revealing of the Mark of the Beast is implemented to link our volunteer compliance. Will Christians be subjected? Celeste gives us her take.Celeste Solum can be found a