Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

What’s It Like to Be In Foster Care: Former Foster Youth Speak Out



In this episode we talk with a panel of four former foster youth to find out what it is like to be raised in foster care and what they wish foster parents knew about the experience.In this episode, we cover:What was the experience of being removed from your home and taken from your parents? Was there something that your foster parents could have done when you were first placed in the home to help alleviate some of the trauma?Did you feel fully included in your foster family? What can foster parents do to help the child feel included?This wasn’t relevant when you were in foster care, but what are your thoughts on blurring out the foster child or putting stickers over their face when posting pics on social media?Relationships with the children of the foster family.Who did you feel like was on your side? Who could you go to if you needed help?Do you think enough was done to help your biological parents before you were removed?Do you think enough was done to help your biological parents with reunification? Or do