Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 104



Matt Whipkey in the studio! Showcasing songs from his new solo record. Here is a excerpt from a recent article in the City Weekly..."The disc itself finds Whipkey dealing with broken relationships and the drawn out loneliness one might feel when unable to find anywhere to fit in (see especially the closer “No Place In This World,” an up tempo rocker that reveals Whipkey’s subject isolated and alone, propped up and animated by soaring, well-placed harmonica wails). Whipkey admitted that he was working under the influence of the songwriting of Dylan and Springsteen, especially taking into account the latter’s four-track masterpiece of an album, “Nebraska.” Over a drink or two at the Barley Street, Whipkey was obviously very proud of his latest album and was eager to show off the finished product – each of which comes with a one-of-kind Polaroid picture made into a sleeve for the liner notes – to his friends at the bar. He also said that his CD release party next Saturday at the Waiting Room features a special r