Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 157: Meredith Sheldon



So there I was at the Waiting Room to see the Lemonheads, and on stage is this beautiful pixie of a girl rockin with an electric guitar and a pretty great band. Seeing as I had already a few cocktails in me, I boldly went up and asked for an interview. Lucky me, she accepted. So there we were, in the green room, Evan Dando warming up on his guitar, random band members and crew chillin' out, and me with my iPhone trying to get to know this girl a little better. We were both enjoying the bottle of whiskey that was being passed around, but I managed to pull together some questions and find out how she got started with her music and how she got hooked up with the Lemonheads. She was a sweetheart and the rest of the night was kind of a blur... Meredith Sheldon online