Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

The Endocrine System, Thyroid Gland, and Fertility



How does the endocrine system impacts fertility, what can go wrong, and what can be done about it. We talk today with Dr. Mark Trolice, the Director of Fertility CARE: The IVF Center in Orlando and Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine. He is double Board-certified in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility and OB/GYN.In this episode, we include:·      What is the function of the endocrine system in human health?·      How does the thyroid gland function within the endocrine system?·      How is female fertility impacted by the endocrine system?·      How is male fertility impacted by the endocrine system?·      What is hypothyroidism?·      What is hyperthyroidism?·      How are dysfunctions in the endocrine system diagnosed?·      How are dysfunctions in the endocrine system treated?·      What dietary and lifestyle choices impact the health of the endocrine system and thyroid gland?·      What are some common endocrine disrupting chemicals in