Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Blending Children by Birth and Adoption



Have you ever considered adopting after you had children by birth? Or thought about trying to get pregnant after you adopted? Is it a good idea to combine kids by birth and adoption. In this episode, we talk with Rebecca Ricardo, an LCSW who has worked in the field of adoption since 1991. She currently serves as the Executive Director for a licensed, child-placing agency that provides both placement and support services. She is an adoptee and a birth mom. The son she placed for adoption was raised as the only adopted child between two children born to his adoptive parents.In this episode, we cover:•       What are the typical reasons why families have both adopted and non-adopted kids?•       What does the research show on how children and families adjust when there are children by both adoption and infertility?•       Do parents have a tendency to favor their biological children? Kin Selection Theory based on evolutionary psychology.•       Does it matter if the adopted child is adopted after the family has