Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Impact of OTC Drugs on Fertility



Do you worry that the over the counter medications you take for a headache or allergies could impact your fertility? What about CBD or melatonin? We talk with Dr. Kathleen Tucker, a scientific director for various IVF labs; and with K.E. Tucker Consulting, and Dr. Angie Beltos, CEO and Chief Medical Officer of Vios Fertility Institute.In this episode, we include:Research has found three reasons why the impact of OTC medication on fertility has become an increasing issue.We are taking more medications now that people in the past. People are waiting longer to start a family and age is associated with greater medication use.People are experiencing more chronic disease at earlier ages.Taken together, these factors have increased the number of prescribed and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs being taken by women and men attempting to get pregnant with or without fertility treatment.As always, talk to your doctor about any concerns you have regarding both prescription and non-prescription medications.Impact of OTC drugs